birthday girl

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" HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!! " i hear , waking me out of my deep sleep. I was at confused at first but , once my brain comprehended what was happening , a big goofy smile spread across my face.

" Thanks guys. " I smile as i see Travis , Christopher , August , Tyga , Nathaniel , & Tyga's girlfriend Alexis.

" Open my gift first. " Nathaniel said's , handing be a baby blue bag.

i glare at him as i removed the beautiful rapping tissues . Once that was clear , I saw that there was a diamond necklace , and it had my name on it , " Avery Marie " In diamonds.

i teared up as i saw it. It was so beautiful. My hands were shaking as i picked it up from its velvety box.

" This is so beautiful Nathaniel , I'm so scared to wear it. Thank you so much. " I say honestly.

" You're welcome love. " He cooed naturally. I saw August death glare him and Nathaniel noticed and stared back at him.

" Open mine next , i hope you like it. " Alexis said's as she she hands me a wrapped box.

" Don't be silly , I'm sure I'll love everything. " I say as i ripped it open .

i saw a Pandora box and looked up at her .

" i promise i didn't pay a lot , but finish opening. " she coached as she took the words out of my mouth.

as i opened the box , i could literally cry all over again. It was a rose gold , dazzling daisy ring.

" This is so pretty , i know you payed over $100 for this ring because I've been wanting it for some time now. i can't believe you actually bought it. Thank you so much Alexis. " I say hugging her. i can see me and her becoming great friends. she's so free spirited and so sweet.

" your welcome . " she said's as she squeezes my shoulders gently before releasing.

" Okay my turn. " Chris said's , laughter fills the room as his playful jealousy was evident.

he had 3 things in his hand i looked at him , scolding him.

" Chris , you didn't have to go all out , honestly i- "

" Girl open the damn gifts , " He chuckles.

he hands me the smaller long box and i knew it was another piece of jewelry.

When i opened it , i cried . I know i'm a crybaby .

It was a necklace .

of course she had the other half

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of course she had the other half. It was so cute. She considered me her daughter and that made me feel so.. so proud? Happy? mixed emotions about all of it. It was a envelope that followed and i slowly opened it. Revealing her beautiful cursive handwriting

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