Movie night 2

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Nathaniel in the mm😍


An hour into the movie , everybody was ready to just let go. Tyga and nathaniel was rolling blunts and i went into the kitchen grabbing some red cups and the liqour bottles. But before i did , i fixed myself some hennessy and coke.

I downed it all , letting it burn down my throat.

" Someones havin' a rough night. " i heard her thick island accent burst through the kitchen.

" Stop . I know what your doing . " i say glaring at her smugly.

" What am i doing baby? Ive done nothin' to ya. " she pouted as she was comming closer to me.

" Robyn stop. Its fine . You have a thing for chris , not me. Stop going behind his back & trying to do what you do. " i say fustrated .

" He knows. Me & him arent anything but sexual mates. No strings attatched. " she said defending herself.

" Now , love me. " she pouted pushing me into the counter.

She opened my legs and began to suck on my neck.

Oh how i wish it was august.

" please . St- "

She shushed me and layed me back on the counter. Attempting to lift up my shirt.

I sat up and pushed her off.

" robyn. " i pouted.

She knew my situation about August.

" its him isnt it? " she questioned with fire in her eyes.

" are you mad at me? " i ask.

" hmm. No. " she hummed.

She was patient , little did she know , im stuck on august.

But then it hit me. He has a girlfriend , so why cant i enjoy myself? Hmm?

So , if he can do whatever he want , then so can i.

I shoved her into the island table and kissed her. I felt her smile on my lips while kissing me back. She bit on my bottom lip tugging on it.

I moaned into her mouth as she gripped my backside.

I pushed her off with a smirk listening to her whimper.

" Dont miss my lips too much. "i say innocently before prancing off into the theatre room with cups and robyn followed behind with the bottles of henny , ciroc & other forms of vodka in different bottles.

Nathaniel handed me a blunt and a gladly inhaled deeply. Feeling it all in my lungs before i exhale & take another hit before passing it back to him.

" Damn you looked sexy . " he complimented as eyes were low.

" Are you high already , without me? " i asked.

He hung his head as it bobbed from side to side.

" im chillin , come smoke ova this way. " he said crawling over away from everybody else.

I laughed at him.

" watcha laughin at? " he said smiling after he inhaled & passed me the blunt.

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