His Perfect Imperfections / Chapter 1

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Ever since I was a kid there was something I was told over and over again. No matter how many times I was bullied, pushed, teased, or called a nasty name, adults always had that one phrase in common. "It gets better." And as I've reviewed that phrase over and over again in my head, logically it can only get better. If today were to be my worst day ever, then tomorrow had to be better. So in a way it didn't matter how long I continued playing the little target, things would either get better or worse.

Funny thing, that saying. It's meant to trick you into believing that things can only get better, and that there is no such thing as the worst day ever. But something no one accounted for, that I think about all the time, is that things can only get worse. There is no such thing as the happiest day or the worst day. And so that is the gamble with life. Do you want to stop while you're ahead, or continue hoping you'll collect more good fortune. Therefore the saying, "it gets better" is true in a sense. But that also means it gets worse. And that little detail is something I hadn't figured out until my very first day of high school.

Freshman year. The last government building of education you are legally required to attend and graduate. Four years of this hellish prison where you are forced to either find a popular group to socialize with or become the outcast. Yes, this place I was told was the goldmine of happiness. "Middle school gets better" they said. "High school is the best four years!" and all these statements are lies. There all told in fabrication as a way to trick you into voluntarily attending school.

And guess what they say when you start complaining about high school? "College is by far better than high school and middle school combined!" Which, I feel it needs to be said, is completely contradictory to what they said about high school! All of these are just lies meant to make me feel better. Oh, and no one told me that by the time I got into the school system that used letter grades that my parents would become absolute jerks!

I swear to God! They were practically looking over my shoulder everyday to ensure I finished all my homework. It didn't matter if it was a friday night, I couldn't leave my house until every single last paper was written, articles read, and worksheets filled. Talk about freedom.

Although in a way I prefered this insane behavior. While it did consume my gameplay time with the mountains of homework I was given, it gave me an excuse to stay away from Trevor.

You're probably wondering who Trevor is and why I so desperately want to stay away from him. Well! Allow me to fill you in on the subject. Trevor Reed is, or was, my boyfriend. So if he was my boyfriend why do I want to stay away from him, you ask? Simple. He's abusive. To put it bluntly, I'm scared of him. I can't be within a few feet of him without shaking like a leaf.

That chapter of my life with Trevor started when I just got into my freshman year. I was nervous to start off, mainly because there were a lot of new students joining our year because there wasn't a private high school. I met Trevor that day. He was the senior that gave my group a tour of the school and we started talking. I will admit, in the first few weeks he was really sweet and awesome, we quickly fell in love. Then one day he just started getting...scary.

The first time he ever slapped me across the face was when he invited me to my house. I had to beg my mother to let me go since it was on a school night and, like I said earlier, my parents are super strict. She finally agreed to let me go if I promised to do all my chores and homework before bed, and getting home before four-thirty. In my mind I figured we would just hang out, maybe kiss, and have a great time. I was dead wrong.

He had no interest in watching movies like I thought. He wanted to see me naked, which he told me right when we got through the door.

"My parents are at work still and my brother is at his soccer practice. We have the whole place to ourselves." He smiled. "So I was thinking we could... you know?"

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