His Perfect Imperfections / Chapter 10

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I'd recently begun to realize that there was really no point in feeling sorry for myself. All of it was my fault. My idiocracy for not listening to people around me and for actually believing that someone could change so drastically. I guess I was just naive to believe in something so foolish. I guess I just wanted it to be the way I thought it would.

"Are you hungry?" Trevor asked. He had one hand on the steering wheel and the other on the driver side window. "We could go through a drive thru."

I looked up at him, sort of taken by surprise. "Uh, sure. Where?"

"How about Panda Express?" He glanced at me. "It's right near my house so I don't have to turn around."

"Okay... that's fine."

He drove up main street until we came across the fast food restaurant. There was really something different about him. Something that made me think that I was right about him. Jake could say all he wanted, I knew for a fact that Trevor was changed.

"What do you want?" He asked. Before I knew it we were in front of the menu.

I gave him my order, looking at the prices and wondering if I could really afford that. My allowance was getting short because I was doing different things to stay grounded just so I could avoid Trevor. Though, I guess that shouldn't be a problem anymore.

My phone buzzed and I checked it quickly. It was from Jake. I smiled a little as I read it. A while ago we discovered that we liked the same game, Skyrim. He sent me a picture of a really cool poster he found on Amazon.

'That's really cool. How much is it?'

'Isn't it?? It's about thirteen dollars (that's including shipping). I don't have any skyrim stuff. I was thinking it might look good in my room. What do you think?'

'I've never seen your room.'

'Yeah, but it would look kickass in my room.'

'I'm sure it would.'

Trevor tapped my shoulder. "Here, take this."

I took the plastic bag from him, immediately my nostrils were invaded with delicious chinese fast food. "Thanks... I'll pay you back later, okay?"

"Don't worry about it. It isn't that big of a deal."

"Okay..." I couldn't believe that. He was being so nice that he'd actually offer to buy me food. Aside from when we first started going out, he never bought me anything. "Thanks."

"No problem." He glanced over at me, sighing deeply irritated. "Who are you texting?"

"Huh?" Shit. He noticed. "N-no one."

He frowned at me. "What do you mean no one?"

"It's... my mom?"

"Are you asking or telling?" He started glaring. "Who the fuck are you texting?"

"No one!"

Well, I guess all things good must certainly come to an end. And to think, I really thought things were finally back to normal. Though, in retrospect, fighting was always our normal.

"Who is it?" He reached over to pry my phone from my fingers, but I refused. "Goddamnit. What the fuck are you hiding?"

"Nothing! Stop, it's my phone!"

"Then what are you hiding?"

"I'm not hiding anything."

"If you weren't than you would tell me who you were texting!"

His Perfect Imperfections / boyxboyWhere stories live. Discover now