His Perfect Imperfections / Chapter 19

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We left the hospital silently, after I was cleared of whatever tests they had me on. As expected, my parents didn't have much to say to me. I had a few broken ribs and internal bruising, probably from previous fights they decided. I had a few fractures that healed on their own, but not perfectly, that I was told would cause me pain if not taken care of. Aside from learning all of that, I didn't have an STD and I was perfectly healthy otherwise.

That didn't exactly make the car ride home any less awkward.

My mother drove me in her car, my dad and brother took the other as they had arrived separately. She still didn't say anything. There wasn't any sound from the radio to fill in. It was just silent.

“M-mom?” I tried. She sighed, shifting in her seat. “I'm sorry.”

She shifted again. “Don't apologise.” She shook her head and grabbed onto the steering wheel. “I should have gotten to the bottom of this bullying thing, but you never talked about it. You said you were fine, what else was I supposed to do? Damn it, Alex, why didn't you talk to us?”

I sunk into my chair. “I didn't think you'd be happy that I'm gay.”

“Alex! I could care less about that. You were getting hurt and I didn't even kn-” She stopped, putting her shaking hand to her mouth. She was crying.

I sat up. “Mom?”

She sniffled. “Didn’t you trust me? I don't understand why you didn't say anything.”

I realized then that this was just like my brother. Maybe I had everything wrong. “I just didn't want to tell you.” I replied.

“You shouldn't be scared to tell us anything. Alex, this isn't okay. You're done with this boy.” She was fuming now. She wiped her tears away and seemed to be glaring at the road. “Trevor, the post said. Is that the Trevor you've spent the night with?” I just nodded, which she caught a glimpse of. “You're not allowed to see him anymore. Delete him from your phone. What's his mother's number? This is absolutely disgusting.”

“Mom I don't want to make this a big deal.”

“This is a big deal.” She stopped the car. “How can you think this isn't a big deal?”

“It's not that it's just… I don't want anyone to know I'm gay.”

“This is bigger than that. You were assaulted. Alex, I don't care if you like boys.” She pressed her forehead into the steering wheel. “Do you really not trust me? All this time I'd been encouraging you to go over to that monsters house.”

“I-its okay.” I told her. “I'm not a girl, so-”

Her head shot up. “You think that makes this any different? Sure, girls can be weaker than boys, but it hurts anyone to get hit. Don't ever say this is okay. Got it?”

I nodded. “I'm sorry…”

“Ugh, don't apologise.” She rolled her neck just as a car behind us honked their horn. We continued down the road home.

Dad and my brother were waiting at the kitchen table, across from each other, silent. When we walked into the room mom slammed her purse down and pulled into one of the chairs. They looked like how I felt.

Suddenly my father turned to me. “You aren't to see this boy. Understand?”

“I already told him.” Mom explained.

“Good.” He turned to her. “I don't even know what to do. I'm so fucking pissed off.”

“I'm sorry.” I said. I still wasn't sure where I stood with my dad, but if I track record kept repeating I'd say he didn't care about the gay part.

His Perfect Imperfections / boyxboyWhere stories live. Discover now