His Perfect Imperfections / Chapter 20

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I curled up on my bed, pulling my blankets in closer for comfort. The soft fabric on my skin felt nice against my wounds. Minutes passed as I waited for a text to come in from Jake, but none came in.

'Are you still coming?’ I asked, sending it out to Jake.

I began thinking about what the future would hold. My parents wanted to get the law involved, and I could understand that, but it made me nervous. Rumors about me would only get worse. Maybe even to the point where I'd have to switch schools. And if Trevor wasn't put away, he would probably come after me again. Whatever his parents thought of him was a mystery to me too. From what I knew, his parents weren't involved with him.

Finally my phone buzzed. To my surprise it was Lyndsey. Not that she didn't text me, it was just rare. When I opened it, my heart sank.

'Trevor went after Casey Oliver's kid brother! Why would he do that!?’

I shot up in my bed. How the hell did he know the boy was Jake? Did… did Jake start something?

Then a text from Michael came in. 'Alex, shit went down at school. Where are you?’

I replied to him first. 'Did Trevor attack Jake?’

His text came in faster than any other text I'd gotten before. 'Trevor started it. Jake went to the hospital.’

I quickly left my message with Michael to open the app to the forum; searching for HellBlaster. 'What happened? They said Trevor attacked you?’ My eyes felt heavy. This was my fault, wasn't it? Because I gave Trevor the wrong impression.

'Is Jake hurt badly? What happened?’ Except, Michael had stopped texting back with me. So instead I sent a text to Lindsay.

I never got one back from her, either.

I threw my phone down. “Why is no one replying to me?”

“Alex!” My head shot up to my ajar door. “Alex, come here!” It was my brother.

Before leaving my room I grabbed my phone. “What?” I asked, my eyes glued to my phone.

My brother pointed to the computer. “They're sending out an email to all parents. There was a fight at your school.”

I raced over to the computer. “Michael was talking about this. It was Trevor and Jake.”


“Yeah. A… a friend of mine.”

“Well it says here that both parties were sent to the hospital, but no other students were harmed. Looks like Trevor brought a weapon. Don't know if that means a gun or a knief.” My brother sighed.

Finally I got a response from Michael. 'Hey, sorry, yeah, Trevor showed up randomly and went after Casey's brother. They were both sent to the hospital. I guess Trevor stabbed him. You're still at home?’

'I’m at home. Why did Trevor attack Jake?’

'I don't know.’

I looked up at my brother who was waiting; just sitting in the chair. “Learn anything? This isn't about you, is it?”

“Um… I don't know. Trevor stabbed Jake…” I sent off another text.

'Is Jake okay?’

'Jake is in better shape than Trevor, actually. Or that's what Lindsay tells me. She saw the whole thing.’

'What hospital?’

His Perfect Imperfections / boyxboyWhere stories live. Discover now