His Perfect Imperfections / Chapter 8

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Life never felt so scary. That morning before school my mother had to literally drag me out if bed because I refused. My brother had to pull me up after I refused to get up off the ground. And my father had to force me out the door with my shoes in my arms and not on my feet. I felt oddly cold that day. Like something sinister was about to happen.

I walked to school. My parents were both busy with work and my brother had an interview with a major company to become a programmer on their team. Usually Trevor was my fallback, but something told me to stay far away from him. He just wasn't acting right. I didn't know how to reply to him anymore.

On that same note, I hadn't replied at all to HellBlaster since he last wrote. So I could tell him anything, huh? I always thought it'd be nice to actually talk about it, that's why I made that story to begin with, but people, as I've learned, are evil. I couldn't tell if this guy was making fun of me or not. Was he playing the hero just to break me down? Does he really want to help me? Why should he care? No one cares what happens to me.

I looked at the message from him again. It, in a weird way, actually made me happy. I didn't feel like I was tightly imprisoned in this tiny box that I couldn't get out of. People could actually hear me, and although some weren't nice about it, my story was still known. That at least made me feel better.

The entire way I fantasized what it would be like to be in a normal relationship. One that didn't result in me being terrified of my bigger partner and worrying that he might exploit me for his own gain. I wanted something sweet. Not exactly sparkling in pink and glitter, but something that allowed me to connect with my partner on a higher level. Just something where I could be treated as an equal, bot as a punching bag.

Before I knew it I was at the stairs of the school. It looked so different here. The people were calmer and the atmosphere seemed more mature. I didn't exactly know why that was, but didn't exactly mind it much. Everyone seemed to be well behaved and paying attention to themselves, which have me plenty of time to get to my locker. Eventually I messaged HellBlaster, saying a simple 'thank you' and carrying on with my day. Just a few seconds later I got a reply.

'No problem. I'll give you all the advice I can but promise me you'll go get help if things get dangerous. I probably won't text again cuz I'm in zero hour right now.'

Zero hour referred to a class that went on before school. There were a few in session that day, must have been why there was a change in atmosphere. 'That's okay, my first class starts soon anyway.' And just as I thought about how common zero hour classes were, Trevor tapped my shoulder.

I spun around real quick to face him, forcing myself not to show any kind of fear. Not sure if that was my stubborn nature or just to spite him. He was glaring at me, looking deeper into my eyes. "Hey," he leaned against my locker. "You're here early."

"My family was busy so I had to walk." I said as I dialed my combination and grabbed a few textbooks. "I misjudged the walking time from here and my house. So I got here earlier than usual."

"Oh, I was surprised. Usually you call me for a ride." He crossed his arms. Shit, did I piss him off? "Why not?"

"Um... I wanted to walk." I slammed my locker shut. "It's a nice day and I thought you were busy."

"I wasn't." He still had a stern look, clearly annoyed.

"Oh. Sorry." I clenched my books in my arms. "What did you want to talk about?"

"We'll talk about it after school."

"Why?" Was he about to hit me again?

"Because. I don't want to talk here. What are you doing for lunch?"

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