His Perfect Imperfections / Chapter 9

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For the passed few weeks I'd been texting back and forth with Jake. Strangely I haven't been talking to him about Trevor, though. Every once in awhile he'll ask how he's doing and if I'm okay, but I always answer the same: We're both A-okay! And we continue on with our disscussion. I never really knew what it was like to have a friend. And to be perfectly honest, it was great!

At one point or another I had to start wondering if I was being bothersome to him. Like a really annoying girlfriend or something like that. But he never complained, and whenever I didn't reply back, thinking that he had enough of me, he would always ask: You okay? Over those weeks I'd grown a little attached to him. Dangerously so. Like, I might have started liking him a little too much.

My main worry was that Trevor would discover that I had a friend and he would try to isolate me from my one and only friend. I couldn't allow him to do that. I wouldn't. I would keep it a secret. Besides, he didn't need to know anyway.

The bell rang to the start of my science class and again my class was paired with the other class because of lack of equipment. Really, if the school put as much money into their lab equipment that they did the sports program, we'd have enough equipment that no one had to share. Everyone would have their own! I walked into the classroom and stupidly realized that two boys from the other class had taken my seat. It wasn't like it was a seating chart, you could sit anywhere, I just always happened to sit there.

They glared at me as I went past and grinned, like they knew it was my spot. There weren't any tables without anyone sitting there so I was forced to chose between a table full of girls, or a table full of guys. It didn't really matter which one I chose I'd get laughed at and ridiculed at both. If I sat at the boys though, there was a chance they'd beat me up. At the girls table they might get other boys to beat me up. Seeing as I'll probably get beat up no matter what, I stuck with the boys table.

"Hey dweeb." A kid with spiky hair laughed, pulling the chair out so I fell and hit my butt on the floor. "Oops, miss the chair?" The others laughed, even the girls at the other table.

I got up without making much of a fuss and sat down on the chair. One guy took my paper, even though he had his own, and read over what the assignment was. "So what are we doing today?" He looked at me.

I shrugged. "That's mine."

"What? This? No, I'm pretty sure this is mine. Go get your own." He smirked. The others did too.

"Mark, shut up." I knew that voice. It was Casey's younger brother, but I still couldn't remember his first name. "Give it back to him."

"Oh, come on, Oliver. It's fun. Look, he's so easy to mess with." He handed it back to me, but pulled it right out of my hand before I could grab it. "See, he's so stupid."

"Mark! Enough. Class has started." The teacher cocked a brow at him. Mark handed back my paper as the teacher explained the project. When he was all done, I was inevitably given the same job I always got. Goofer.

Mark was looking at the assignment when he looked at me. "Hey dweeb, we need the microscope. Can you handle it?" He mocked me.

"I got it." I said, getting up.

He grinned. "Okay, princess, don't break a nail."

The girls behind us laughed and I wasted no time going to the cabinet in the front for a microscope. I found one, coiled the wire around it, and carried it back with me. I did this in the most careful way possible so I wouldn't trip or do anything stupid so I'd get yelled at. I made it safely to the table and sighed.

"Heavy, princess?" Mark mocked. I glared at him. "Ohh! Princess got pissed!"

"Mark give me that." The kid with spiky hair demanded. "I need it for the next slide."

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