His Perfect Imperfections / Chapter 12

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There are times where I wish I had a fairy godmother. Or maybe a magical genie with three wishes, though I really only need one. I'd even take somehow squashing my self-doubt and inner hate. Any of these three would do. That's something I quickly came to realize as I stood by my locker, backpack and phoneless, knowing that I'd eventually have to talk to Trevor. Slamming against the steel door of the school, I let out one of the most stressful sighs of my life. You can do it. You can do it. I'm not, not even to this day, sure if that actually helped any.

But it seemed the universe had pity on me anyway.

"This is yours?" Michael smiled at me, holding out the very thing I'd spent the last twelve hours falling into a panic over. I snatched it from him, checking the pocket for my phone. Still there and untouched. Supposedly. "Trevor gave it to me this morning and told me to give it to you. Did you get into a fight?"

I shrugged. "It's nothing." I swung the strap over my shoulder and headed down the hall. I didn't even give him a thank you.

"Hey." He chased after me, but I just kept walking. "Alex!"

As we rounded the corner, Lindsey and Rachael nearly ran into me. Rachael, glaring at me as per the usual, crossed her arms in utter disgust. In that moment Michael had finally caught up to me. Then came the awkward silence. "Is everything okay, guys?" Lindsey asked after a few seconds.

Michael shrugged. "Alex, if Trevor is bothering you-"

"It's nothing, really. I accidentally left my bag at his house after school. He was probably too busy to give it back to me." The bell sounded. "I have to get to class. Bye."

I felt bad, I guess, leaving the three of them there with many questions left unanswered. But I had a war of my own. Things were easier when no one knew about the trouble I was causing. We could all pretend to be happy. At least they were nice to me, despite my strange personality that set me apart from the rest. And even Trevor, when he was nice we had some fun times. But, I was scared of him.

I hit my head on the solid desk. Logic was running against my broken emotions, and those emotions were in the lead. It didn't seem to matter that I understood the situation and solution. It was the future that I didn't want. Though, I didn't want the present either. The more I thought about breaking it off with Trevor, losing the little friends I had, and falling back into the dark corners of my mind, I wanted to scream. What was going to happen in the end? That unknown scared me the most.

"Hey, dweeb." Mark's voice sounded dull. Almost like he was forcing himself to talk to me. I looked up at him, my eyes and face felt heavy. Like I'd been crying, but I hadn't. Not yet, anyway. "You look sick."

"I'm tired." I lied. True I hadn't slept any last night, but my mind was too active to feel sleepy. But it took me a while to realize I was already in science class with an entire hour to kill because we'd already finished the assignment.

I looked across from me. Oliver was on his phone, typing something. He looked up at me and smiled. "Are you sure you're okay?"

"I'm fine. Just tired." I'd really just like silence. But then my phone buzzed and I sighed.


I frowned at it. Not that I was particularly annoyed, I just didn't want to talk or text with anyone. Not even HellBlaster Jake. So I ignored it, setting my phone down.

Oliver's smile vanished. "What was that?"


"Oh... your phone... it buzzed, didn't it?"

"Yeah." I looked down at it. "Just a game update."


"Uh-huh." I set my head down again, closing my eyes. My brain was starting to hurt. Just as I was about to fall asleep, the stupid phone buzzed again. I looked at it, another notification from HellBlaster. I put it down. Shouldn't he be in class?

"Another game update?"


A while later, there was another buzz, followed by another after that, until they were coming in one after another. I sat up, staring at the notification screen as HellBlaster's name came up one after the other. I turned the phone to silent.

Oliver leaned forward. "I think you should check your phone. It might be important."

I looked at him, a bit puzzled. "Y-yeah... someone sent me a text."


I sighed, a little frustrated with Jake now, and looked at it. For a few pages it was just one letter sent repeatedly. I kept scrolling up until I got to full sentences. That's when I felt all the blood drain from my face and my already heavy eyes got heavier.

'I'm sitting in science right now and I think I know who you are.'

'Okay, maybe that was a mistake?'

'No, you're the Alex across from me right?'

'I'm Jacob Oliver, Casey Oliver's younger brother'

'Look at your phone!'




And the same letter repeated. My hands were shaking as I typed out a few words. 'Wait... Your HellBlaster?'

Oliver's phone buzzed across from me. He typed something, then set it down. His eyes locked with mine. 

Message from HellBlaster: 'Yes.'

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