His Perfect Imperfections / Chapter 2

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"I prefer the original." Trevor said as he popped another cracker jack in his mouth. "What about you?"

I shrugged. Just a few minutes ago he'd asked me to have sex with him again. Of course I refused so he pushed me down and stripped me of my clothes. He's so strange. He acts like such a gentle, sweet guy. Right up until it comes to sex and I don't want to. Well, that and not answering my phone on time, ignoring his texts, looking at other guys, and refusing to do anything that he wants to do. Any of those things could result in him slapping me across the face or finding some sort of way to punish me.

He glared at me. "Anime is always better with subtitles. Right?"

"Y-yeah." Honestly, anime was his thing. I was never really into those Japanese animated television shows. It just wasn't my thing, but I watched it without refusal so he wouldn't beat me up. "The original is better."

"Exactly." He looked back at the TV. "And it updates faster because you don't have to wait for the dubbed version to come out." I nodded. Again, he looked back at me. "You sure are quiet."

"I'm tired." I quickly defended. "I think I should go home."

I was about to get up from the couch, but he kept me from getting up. "I thought you said you'd spend the night. It is a weekend."

That's right. Saturdays I'm allowed to spend the night at other people's houses, so long as I did the dishes when I got back. Trevor made sure I agreed to spending the night at his house, but to be honest, I was scared. I never spent the night with him. Ever. Within the two and a half months I knew him I never once spent more than four hours with him alone before. That just seemed like a recipe for disaster. "Um... I have to do homework."

"You did your homework yesterday. You always do your homework on friday." He straightened up getting a little taller than me. I assumed for intimidation. "Why are you trying to get away from me?"

"I'm not!"

His nose scrunched up in disgust. "You're a terrible liar." His voice was getting so low that I made me shiver. It was the same tone he used whenever he raped me. "I know you are. Are you trying to piss me off?"

"No-" His mouth fell on mine. And this was the cycle of our daily events. He worked like clockwork. Always nice and generous in the very beginning, then slowly beginning to lose his temper as the day went on. Finally, near the very end of things, he would become twisted up in sinful desire.

It didn't seem to matter how hard I tried to avoid it, either. That typical him never seemed to change. Even if I played by all the rules there were new ones being made. My world became smaller and smaller as those days I hell dragged on. Friends became more of a thing out of fiction than any real possibility. I couldn't even look at someone in the eye without outrageous accusations of cheating.

Everything had to be Trevor Reeds way. If it was different in anyway, or if I tried to make things go my way, it usually ended up bad in the end. But my day always turned out like that. I was either getting beaten up for something stupid, like not answering my texts fast enough, or I was stripped down to my birthday suit as he had his way with me. Almost like I was his property.

Though in the very end of things he'd apologize. He'd beg for forgiveness and say things like, 'if you were more behaved than I wouldn't have to hurt you'. Which of course, looking back on it now, is the most backwards way of apologizing ever. But it didn't seem to matter how many times he apologized, my body still reacted the same in his presence. I shook and my heart rate rose dramatically. Not because I was in love with him, like I once was, but because he scared me. It was that constant reminder in the back of my mind that he could snap me like a twig effortlessly.

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