*Sammy And Derek*

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Okay, so Derek was pretty much being an asshole.
Fine he was totally being an asshole!Oh dear lord, he is a fucking jerk.Tobi was tired, so fucking absolutely tired of Derek's shit. He couldn't get that she didn't want to be with him, she doesn't even like him at all but just followed his lead, because she thought that it was gonna be quite embarrassing (and rude) to slap him and tell him to get the hell away from her, in front of the fans. Tobi loves the fans obviously, but that motherfucking crowd was loving that Derek and Tobi shit.They just supported that "relationship" (with gigantic fucking quotes) way too much. Twitter was on fire because of that. Especially, after one concert, in which Derek literally grinded on her butt, in the middle of a song. And, like the polite girl she is, she let him. And she didn't feel happy, not the slightest string of pleasure ran through her body. Instagram was also chaotic - people took pictures and videos of the act and captioned it like

"he was all over her last night "

"go get a room, sicko! "

And Tobi was hating each second of it. Everytime someone shared a picture or tweeted something, she just felt this flaming anger, like there was a fire in her vains. And she hated Derek more than anything. Tobi regretted accepting to go on that stupid tour, because of fucking Luh.Sammy was angry as hell. Like, him and Tobi weren't official, but she was his babygirl. And, oh, Sammy was tired of it and, he was really pissed off. He, just like her, hated all that. He hated the fact that Derek knew that Tobi and Sammy were a "thing".He was one of the few people who knew about it actually. And even though he knew, he touched her in an inappropriate way.And when he wasn't nasty as fuck he was lovely, way too cute. He would kiss her cheek, compliment her, tell people how beautiful and precious she was, hug her, caress her and act like he was madly in love with her. At least he wasn't a jerk when he acted like that, the problem, actually, was that Derek didn't act like that frequently. Most of the time, he was just an idiot and nothing more. And Sammy was incredibly pissed off. He was pissed off at his best, so at the morning of that day, hours after Twitter and Instagram exploded, he texted her, saying

"Hotel address, now I'm coming over"

And there she was, with Swazz, in the airport, just waiting for Sammy. Swazz had his headphones on, and she could hear the best of the song, altogether with Swazz's voice, humming a far chords and some of the lyrics. After fifteen or twenty minutes Tobi saw Sammy walking out of the airport gate, with just a big backpack hanging from his shoulder. She just rolled her eyes fondly, because boys 😒. She was pretty sure Sammy, in a few days, would be freaking out because he didn't have clothes. Anyways, Tobi waved at Sammy so he could notice her, and when he did he waved back. Sammy started walking towards Tobi, slowly in a relaxed pave. When he crossed the street, she straightened her back and gave a few steps towards the cutest boy she had ever seen. When they were born close enough, they hugged each other strongly, like the cuties they were. Sammy placed a kiss on the top of her head and caressed her waist tenderly.

"Hey baby girl "

He said sweetly even thought his voice was raspy and tired. She looked up only to find a raddled Sammy:his hair way messed than what he'd like it. His expression was tired and sleepy, and he had eye - bags forming, but it wasn't something like" wow ".
" Hey baby boy "she smiled" Missed you "she added.
" Missed you too"he kissed her forehead.
"Hey love birds, would you mind?"Swazz got inside of the car right after he said that, and slammed the the door shut
"What crawled up in his ass? "Sammy chuckled lightly.
" Don't know "She smiled again." Let's go baby boy "Sammy put an arm around her shoulders and guided her to the car. Close enough, they both got inside the car, in the back seat. Tobi sat next to the window and Sammy laid his head in her lap, placing a kiss on her stomach. She smiled once again (cause fuck Sammy is so cute) and gave him a few head rubs and giggled at the relaxed way Sammy started humming,with his eyes closed ,like a puppy. After a few seconds, he sighed.
"'M tired " he said lightly.
" Get some sleep, I'll wake you up when we get there "Sammy smiled
" You're the best baby girl" She giggled
"I know "

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