Crazy love *aaron carpenter*

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It all started when i was 11, i was doing my chores and a girl appeared by my side. No one else could see her just me. She told me she was just here to keep me company. Now i know what you're thinking ' who is she blah blah blah.' Well i'm getting to that, she is Jade. She was really nice till i was about 15 then was really mean to me. She always tells me i'm a freak and no one cares about me, i always listen even though i know it's not a good idea. Alright let's get into it.

I was waiting inside cause my brother is looking at my car, i don't even know what he was doing. I push my hair out of my face and watched him walk inside.

¨Can i use my car yet.¨

¨No take mine your car is broken.¨


¨Just don't you to get hurt baby sis.¨

¨Just call me Kendall.¨


¨Cause that's my name.¨ I grabbed his keys and walked out. Jade appeared by my side,

¨What Jade."

¨Aw is Ken in a bad mood.¨ I ignored her and got in his car. I looked out the window and saw her looking at me with her puppy dog look. I drove in silence, my phone buzzed. It was a text from my best friend Aaron. He was just asking where i was. I was just around the corner so i didn't text him back. I walked behind him, and poked him in the back. I have black acrylic nails on so he arched his back in pain.

¨What the heck Kendall.¨

¨Haha i win Aaron just admit it.¨

¨Fine you win.¨ He has the same thing i do. He has a Jade to say but he is named James. I don't know if the two are connected or what. One of the school jocks, Nate, walked over and asked me to hang out with him and i knew i was being punked but still i wanted to see what would happen so i said yes. We were going to get pizza after school, Aaron told me to text him cause we were already on our way to our last period. When the torture was finally over i saw Aaron in the corner with his head in his lap.

"Whoa, Aaron what's wrong?!"

"It's James he won't quit!" I ran over to him and pulled him up and to my car. I didn't know what to do, this had happened before but not for a long time to either of us. I got him into the car and and sat by him, i held his hand and leaned on him. He slowly started to calm down.

¨Thanks Kendall."

¨No problem Aaron.¨ We just kinda sat there.

¨Do you want me to take you home?¨

¨Yea thanks.¨ I climbed over the center console and got in the driver side.

¨Are you okay now?¨

¨Yea i'm good.¨

¨Good¨ We drove in silence with the radio playing quietly in the background. He grabbed my hand and looked into my eyes. Suddenly something put a large pressure on my side. A truck had hit the car but Jay had pulled me onto his lap to keep me from getting injured anymore than i already was. I lifted the side of my top and looked at my hip. I had a large gash going along my side and a few cuts on my stomach. My shirt was soaked in blood, he slowly lifted off his shirt and gave it to me. I put his shirt on and took mine off. Aaron looked out the window and we saw and saw a woman on the outside of our car on the phone with an ambulance. Nate picked me up bridal style and lifted me out of the car. Aaron was in a white tank top that was soaked in blood. I pulled out my phone and called Dallas.¨Hey sis¨ ¨Can you come down to the end of the road right passed the school.¨ ¨Yea whats wrong.¨ ¨Just come down here please.¨ After about 5 minutes i saw Dallas walked down here and as soon as he saw me he bolted this way. ¨Ken what happened.¨ ¨Um a truck hit my said of the car but Nate saved me.¨ ¨Alright come on.¨ I saw the ambulance and tried to keep myself focused. Once we got to the vehicle i started to slip but kept myself up. When we got inside i passed out.

Narrator's POV

They could not revive Kendall and she passed away.

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