#1: PanxTinkerbell(backstory)

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Never done a Pan and Tinkerbell.
Probably going to do a crap job. Yay -_- 

p.s not romance  

Third Person POV *Tink*

She ran through a thick jungle, jumping over logs, ducking under branches, and occasionally looking over her shoulder to make sure she had lost a mob of young boys who showed up out of no where, and tried to kidnapped her.

She had arrived on Neverland less than ten minute ago, and was already being chased away.

After Blue Fairy took her wings away, she went to the only place that seemed safe. She had heard of Neverland from the fairy gossip. A place filled with happiness and joy.

They were wrong.

How did she get here you ask?

Well let's just say dust wasn't the only thing she stole. She also stole magical beans, one that can take you anywhere you'd wish, and a second to take you back if it wasn't quite right.

The humid air already dampened her hair, and the perky bun it was in had gone limp, and stray pieces stuck out and glued to her forehead with sweat.

She took one last look behind her, and when she thought she was safe, she stopped to catch her breath. But nevertheless, under the sound of her heavy breathing, she could her a twig snap through her paranoid ears. She looks around quickly and steadied her breathing to hear any other noise.

She was still wearing her Fairy dress, quite uncomfortable for the hot humid jungle. She pulled at the dress and huffed with frustration at the situation she got herself into.

"Bloody hell." She whispers out of anger. When she realized she cursed she looked around and covered her mouth, remembering fairys weren't allowed to curse. When she also remembered she was no longer a fairy. She slowly let her hands fall away from her lips.

"I caught that ,fairy." A british voice said from behind her, she jumped and turned around to see a boy, older than the others, with broad shoulders, green eyes, light brown hair swept to the side, wearing a multi colored green and brown pants and vest, leaning against a tree, arms crossed.

She turned to run, but he appeared in front of her instantly. She gasped. "I'm not a fairy." She said almost too quietly.

He chuckled. "Well of course you! Look at what you're wearing." He says taking a step back and gesturing to her dress. Tinkerbell self consciously pulls down at the dress, feeling as though it's not long enough anymore.

Something about the way he looks, acts, talks, and holds himself, makes Tinkerbell intimidated. She suddenly wants to crawl under a rock and hide.

"Yeah, well, I lost my wings." She said with a dry mouth. He raised an eyebrow.

"How interesting, a rebel fairy." He said with a smirk.

"No, it's just." She took a frustrated breath. "Its just complicated!" She pushed him out of her way and started to walk, but didn't get very far when he appeared once again, in front of her.

"Get out of my way!" She thrust her fist at his chest, attempting to punch him, when he grabbed her fist and pulled her chest to chest to him.

"This is my island. I do not do what you want me to. You do what I want." He said while she tried to shake free of his grip. He released her and that's when it hit her.

This is Peter Pan. She thought.

She looked down and than back at him. "You're-you're Peter Pan." She said as realization hit her.

He stepped back and presented himself with his arms. "In the flesh and blood." He smirks.

What's up with that smirk? She thought.

Tinkerbell had heard of him. The evil, torturing, cunning, boy who was to be avoided. Tink had a feeling that would be hard.

"I must go home." She said to herself, already reaching for the bean in her pouch when she heard an annoying laugh. She looked up slowly.

"What? What is it!" She demanded.

"And how do you plan on leaving, miss rebel fairy?" He said with amusement in his voice.

"Well, with this bean of course!" She said while rummaging through her pouch.

"You mean this bean?" Tink looked up to see Peter holding the white shining bean. She reached for it, but before she could take another step, the bean disappeared.

"Where did you put it!" She yelled.

"You're quite a feisty little fairy aren't you?" He said with amused confusion. 

"I'm not a fairy!" She said quickly with anger rising up past her head.

"Then tell me, what are you?" He demanded.

What was it about him, that made me feel so-so, well, belittled and insignificant. I hated it. I hated him, but at the same time wouldn't dare tell him. She thought.

Tink crumbled to the ground and grabbed at the dirt and bits of grass in pain. Tears started to prick her eyes.

"I'm-I'm," She gasped for air." I'm lost." Her voice cracked and shook with fear.

What was happening?

You. Are. Mine. A loud voice echoed in her head.

Tink looked up at Peter who was just starring down at her with no emotion.

"What's happening." She said with a dry throat. He crouched down to her level. She clawed at her throat, and longed for air, even though she was taking painful breathes.

"Its the island. Its claiming you."

"W-why?" She tried to steady her breathing. 

"Because you're lost, just like the rest of us here, and you cannot leave until the feeling of being lost is gone. You now belong to me, and this island." He said standing up, walking away.

"Please." She pleaded. He turned around.

"Its not up to me. It never is." (gif at top)And with that he left her alone. It was always right to let the island claim them alone, it was just to painful to watch, because it remained people of when they first arrived.

And this always happened, to everyone.

Even Peter. He was the first.

Okay, so I know this wasn't exactly romance, but this is kind of what I was talking about.

Tell me what you think, and request me what you want. Pleasssssse!

Non of this would be possible without you peoples.

Love you, bye!

p.s, this same idea is being used in one of my books...

don't tell anyone...:p

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