#3: PanxOC

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Hope you like this happier chapter!

Ps. why can't I stop thinking of Riarkle and Lucaya? I don't even watch GMW that much wtf......

Third Person POV

Kenzie has been on Neverland for a year and at first it was a rocky start with the leader of Neverland, Peter Pan. He was suspicious of the girl, and didn't like her strong will, sass, and sarcasm. That was his job.

They had many battles, and most of the time Pan won, but the last time, a week ago, Pan started to see a change in the usually playful battles.

Kenzie stopped trying.

She completely shut down, and hasn't talked to any one on the island.

That wasn't much fun.

But it's not like Pan cared.

Good for him.

The annoying girl wasn't in his way.

He didn't care.


Pan was walking to Kenzie's cabin, he was going to tell her she was moving to target practice. But to be honest he was kind of nervous because he hasn't spoken to her in a whole week.

"Kenzie? Are you descent?" He asked as he knocked on her door. No answer. "Kenzie?" He repeated. Nothing.

Pan opened the door to see an empty room. He raised an eyebrow in confusion.

He set his clip board on her bed and walked slowly to the bathroom. That's when he heard whimpers coming from inside.

Pan knocked on the door. "Kenzie? Are you in there?"

"Go away Pan!"

"Are you alright?" He frowned his brows in worry.

"Yes! Of course I am!" She hurriedly answered.

Peter ignored her and busted the door open. Kenzie sat up against the wall her knees pulled to her chest, her usually bright green eyes puffy and red, her long brown hair strode on her shoulders.

Kenzie quickly wiped her nose and got off the floor. "What the hell Pan! I could have been naked!" She scolded him, squaring up her chest to him, even though he was much bigger and taller than her.
"I needed to know if you where okay. I'm sorry." He said, trying to blink away the image of the always happy girl, on the floor crying.

"Don't be." She snapped, pushing him aside. What was her problem?

Kenzie rummaged through a drawer and pulled out a handkerchief, and wiping her nose with it. She sat on her bed and picked up the clip board.

She humorlessly chuckled. "Ha, archery. Thanks Pan." She said sarcastically.

"What's that supposed to mean?" He asked.

"It means you know I'm horrible with a bow. You want to watch me fail." She muttered.

"You're right." Pan pointed out. "You are bad with a bow, but that's why you must practice, to get better." He pulled the clip board from her grasp.

She sighed. "You just do it to torture me." Pan smirked.

"Why should I torture you when you're clearly doing it to yourself." He said a hint of anger mixed with confusion. (gif at top)

"What are you talking about?" She snapped her head up at him.

"You've locked yourself in your cabin for nearly a week, you won't eat, you don't sleep, you don't talk. What's going on?" He said quietly. He could tell he was about to break, but he kept under control for now.

"Nothings wrong Pan!" She yelled, tears brimming her eyes.

"Stop it! Stop lying! Just tell me!" He snapped. That's when he realized he lost control. His calm collected look was gone, and when this happened, he struggled to gain it back.

"Why! So you can get your little toy back! So you can just play with my emotions! Make me feel like nothing! Well guess what! This is not a game!" She practically screamed.

Pan clenched his jaw and then realised it, looking down at his hands. "I know." He admitted quietly.

"What?" Kenzie asked, astonished.

"You're right, this isn't a game. And I never wanted to play with your emotions. I never meant to break you. I just thought by competing with you, it gave you a reason to see me everyday. Because in all truth, you're the sunshine in this hell I've created."

Pan Sat on the bed, looking down at his hands. His denial was gone. He knew the truth now. He needed Kenzie. She brightened his day. And without her, he felt a sense of missing.

"Pan? Are you crying?" Kenzie asked wiping away her own tears.

"It's all my fault Kenzie. I broke you." He dropped the clip board to the floor.

"Pan." Kenzie said inching closer to him.

"You're broke. What have I done?"

"Pan!" She yelled shaking him.

"I broke you!"

"Peter!" She yelled, she had never called him that before. Peter looked over at her, realizing he had zoned out.

Kenzie quickly smashed her lips against his, grabbing his neck. They feel back on the bed, both of Kenzie's knees on each side of Peter's hips. He was surprised, his eyes widened for a second before he melted into the kiss and closed his eyes, kissing her back passionately, letting his lips dance against hers.

Kenzie pulled away, their foreheads touching, both of Kenzie's hands on his cheeks. "Than fix me." She whispered.

Peter smirked.

"Only if we fix each other."

She nodded. And a new challenge was accepted.


That was my first ever time writing a kissing scene!

Please request something! Anything! I promise I will probably use it! And tell me what you think of this cute crap. I have never wrote something like this.

Low-key like it -.-

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