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Third Person POV

The sky grew grey as the sun hid behind the tree line. Alison watched the bats fly through the sky. A scream could be heard. The muscles in her neck flexed as her head turned to where the scream echoed.

Dirt wedged between her toes as she ran through trees, making her way to her village. Her chest lifted up and down quickly as she swallowed air down to her lungs.

His green eyes held a darkness in them like a pitcher of water, and a dominance in them like an alfa wolf. Alison stopped in her tracks. A boy held Alison's sister by the throat in front of the whole village.

Alison looked around and noticed the circle of armed boys with the same mysterious aura as the green eyed boy.

Tears silently ran down her sisters cheeks as her parents were held back by the hodded boys. The green eyed boy dropped Alison's sister, who didn't appear to be moving.

Her eyes fell down to her sisters limp body and then back to green eyes. A slight smirk graced his lips.

The screams of the village was muffled by the pounding of her heart. She was running on adrenaline, and didn't even realize how loud she was breathing.

What could she do? She was surrounded, with no way out. So out of exitment she turned around and ran, only to crash into the hard chest of a blonde with a scar on his face. She looked up at his cold blue eyes as she sat on the ground like prey. He pulled her up by the wrist. She thrashed and struggled to free his grips.

He stops and looks at her in anger. In frustration Alison had spit in his face. She froze in fear. A stinging feeling spurs as his hand collides with her cheek.

She was in shock. She has never been struck before. "Felix." Her eyes snap to the boy who had her sister.

"Pan." Felix said with aggravation laced in his words. Pan said nothing else, Felix getting the message. Felix released her wrist, leaving bruises.

Alison was brought back to reality. Her parents were crying over her sisters body. Boys held daggers to the throats of villagers down on their knees with tears in their fearful eyes.

"Wendy." Pan called. A girl in a white dresses emerged from the circle of boys. "Yes Pan?"

"Take her heart." Pan said effortlessly. Wendy walked as if she were suducing the gods themself. Such sexism and appeal. She was confident at the least, blond curls framing her heart shaped face.

A firm line formed between Alison's eyes as she watched Wendy gracfuly sweep down and kneel to her sisters limp body that weakly came to life.

Her parents went crazy, begging Wendy not to. For Alison she wasn't processing much of what was happening, and all she could do until now was watch. "No!" Alison yelled.

All eyes shot to Alison. Pan's smirk left his face. "Why?" Wendy asked.

Alison's breath hitched in her throat. To Alison it was clear. There should not be a reason to not take a life. How do you explain it? Because it's wrong? It's obvious these people do not care about morals.

"She's my sister." Alison dropped to her knees. "Please." Wendy looked to Pan who said nothing with his mouth, but with his eyes. And Alison understood.

Wendy drew her hand into Carmen's chest. Alison looked down as her parents screamed, piercing her ears. When Wendy's hand emerged it held a beating red heart.

Carmen cried in pain. "Alison!" She managed. Alison's head popped up. Her eyes were met with Carmens painful ones.

"I give you my life." Alison whispered. Pan smirked. It was as if she looked into the devils eyes. Alison felt as if she spoke too loud.

"Your gift is greatly appreciated." He rasped. Wendy crushed Carmens heart.

It was as if Wendy had crushed Alison's heart as well. Her chest swelled with a heavy emptiness that pulled her to the ground. But tears would not fall. She gripped the soil. The pain was dry and burning.

But another pain began to take over her body. Alison screamed. It felt as if razors dug into her skin, and she was consumed by an aching cold crawling  under her skin.

Pan walked over to Alison as two boys pulled her up. The pain was so great her muscles where paralyzed. The pain slowly began to fade. Pan lifted her chin up with his finger. He was emotionless, feeling no remorse for Alison, as he saw it, he has just liberated her.

"Alison Nicole Renae," he inched his lips to hers, "I own you." His lips grazed hers but not yet fully touching. His fingers left her skin and she was dropped. Her chin burned where his fingers were. And it went black for Alison as she drifted into unconsciousness.

Pan darkly looked up and turned to Wendy who hooked onto his hip. "Peter Pan. Remember the name."

The village watched as all the boys, Pan, Wendy, and Alison disappeared.

Low-key might make a book out this.

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