#5: PanXRequest

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This is a request I got from @Geeky_Freak3 ! Hope you are happy with this, sorry it took so long for me to make it, okay here.

Getting lost in a good book is always the best. But sometimes you have to take a break, so when I finally look up from my book, I realize I wasn't in my room, or even in a room at all. I was surrounded by trees and the song of birds.

I stand up, spinning around, pinching my arm. This must be a dream, right? One second I'm home, the next I was here. "What? Where am I?" I ask to myself.

"Hello?" I shout, a little frightened. I heard the snap of a twig and turn around slowly, but didn't see anything. "Hello!" I yell again, but hear nothing.

But not a moment later, boys start to creep out of the tree line and surround me. I began to step back, but only backed into another boy. One went up to me and poked my face. "Stop it!" I shirk. He jumps back, "It's a girl!" He gasped.

"Of course I'm a girl! What is the meaning of this! Where am I?" I said looking from each dirty face to the other.

"This is Neverland." A deep voice that was more distinct than the others called. The boys parted and there stood a tall blonde boy with a scar traveling down his face.

"What should we do?" One boy asked the scar face. "We should get her to Pan, he'll know what to do." Scar face responded.

"Did you say Neverland?" I repeat, dumbfounded. They all looked at me, and then went back to their conversations. I huffed. I wonder off a bit and see a beautiful view of the ocean. Is this an island?

"Hey girl, you're coming with us." I looked back at them and began to walk with them. Did I really have any other choice?

When we arrived to a camp, I  immediately noticed a boy dressed differently from the others and he noticed me, he also had a kind of confidence about him that stuck out. He was obviously the leader. And he was also kind of scary.

He walked over and I felt like shrinking away. "Felix what is this?" He demanded an answer. I tried to hide behind someone but they would always move away or shrug me off, the boy just looked at me even more.

"You just found her?" The boy said, almost growing angry. Scar face, known as 'Felix', nodded. He turned to me and the boys around me spread away.

"How did you get here?" He asked, brow frowned. "I-I don't know? I just looked up. One moment I was home, an-and the next I was here." I studdered.

He sighed, "You just looked up?" I looked at the ground, "Y- yeah." I shrugged.

"What's your name?" He tried changing direction. "Erin." I said with at least a little pride, for it was the only thing I was sure of.

He leaned in, I leaned back a little, but his lips were so close to my ear I could feel his hot breath. "Don't be frightened, they're more scared of you than you think." When he leaned back he had a smirk plastered on his smooth features.

"Boys, leave me and Erin to speak." He said with an almost devilish smirk.

"Am I going to be able to go home." I asked in a whisper. He looked down and licked his lips. "I...I don't think so."

I gasped, "Please! You must let me g-"

He rolled his eyes and grabbed my wrist, leaving me speechless. "I did not bring you here." He said slowly, looking deep into my fearful eyes.

"The-then what did?" I asked a little breathless. Something about him frightened me and made me feel safe all at once.

He let me go and turned away, a hand on his chin, arms crossed. "I don't know, but what I do know is your not going back home."

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