#11: PeterXoc

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Soft Pan gif for a soft Pan imagine.

With black curls and green eyes she was a strom. Far more interesting and curious than her sister, Lily. Tiger Lily.
Mari would run through the trees and lay in the sand, flaunting her golden summer skin. Yet, she was less mature and far more wild, something that would often get her into trouble with her father, the Head Chef.

But that's also what drew Peter Pan in. At first she would have nothing to do with him, unlike her sister. Tiger Lily had a long lasting crush on Peter since the one time he saved her, long ago. But to him, Lily was boring, closed minded, and well... too grown up. She had lost her sense of adventure and longed for something mature and serious. And Peter was the last person to give her that.

So Peter tried to draw in Mari, but she was too interested in fighting rather than talking. Something else that just exited Pan.

So he chased her, chased her until she ran right off the side of the island and into his arms. She had given in. She had fallen in love, but she feared Peter did not feel the same. Tiger Lily would tell her stories, and none really good, though Lily loved him.

"You know, he saved me long ago. He's cocky and handsome and knows he has power. Thats why he saved me. To have power over me. Damn him." She would curse his name, up and down until she felt herself falling asleep. Thats when it just got pitiful.

"He can't love. Thats what the pirate told me, long ago. It's part of his being, who he is." And that's what scared Mari most.

Was it true? Could Peter not love? She thought of this often. Mostly after they were together. Because when they were together, soft touches and light laughs felt good. Felt right. But after, when she walked home alone with guilt on her heart, it felt wrong and it burned. Nothing was right about this.

"Peter," Mari asked one night, when the wind was warm and the moon was full. They laid out in the sand, just taking in the night sky. "Do you love me?" She asked one day. Peter was shocked, he did not think Mari would ask such a question.

"Mari... I can't love. Its who I am." She looked down at her hands, disappointed.

"Yeah, yeah, I know. I just..." She bit her bottom lip, embarrassed.

"You just what? You thought you could change me?" He let out a playful chuckle, just deepening her hurt.

She huffed. "No." She sat up in the sand, her knees in her chest.

Peter sat up as well, with a sigh. "Look Mari, I'm not some miserable boy who longs for the love and acceptance of others. Love is complicated and tragic, and I don't need that."

"Well maybe your outlook on love is what's tragic." She muttered under her breath. Peter grinned, he liked how annoyed she was getting.

"Mari," he started to caress her cheek but she quickly pulled away. This only added fuel to Peter's interest.

Peter grabbed Mari's wrist and pinned her arms down beside her head, hovering above her. She fought back and tried her best to hold back a smile, for she was still trying to at least act like she was mad at him now. But she never stayed mad for long.

"What's with the sudden interest of my ability to love?" He asked with a smug smirk. She fought back, attempting to kick him off her.

"Just making sure you weren't falling madly in love with me." She said playfully, a wide smile on her face.

"Oh no, I think its because the wild Indian is...in love with Peter Pan?" His smirk only grew as he over dramatically announced the question.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2018 ⏰

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