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This is a request for @NeverlandBeliever

Running. Her legs aching, her throat burning. She stumbled as she almost fell. That was close, too close. She glanced behind to see where he had gone off too. He wasn't behind her, and in an instant, she crashed into his tall lanky figure. A smug grin crossed his lips. She looks into his blue eyes as they glimered with mischief. She pushed herself off his chest with a smirk and started off running, not making it far before she tripped and fell.

She huffed as he laughed at her. "I swear you cheat." She said waving a finger in the air. He reached down to help her up, she took his hand, patting the dirt off her skirt. "I would never Lily." He grinned with a piece of straw between his teeth.

"That's what you say everytime." She crossed her arms playfully. Of course she didn't believe he would actually cheat, she trusted him. With her life even. It was weird, you know? She was always told to stay away from the Lost Boys. But as she got older, she found it harder to do. But she did something worst than meeting the Lost Boys, she met the Lost Boy. The one and only Peter Pan.

It was a sort of game to him. He had to have Lily. But he didn't force it on her, and he didn't pay her any attention, she had to make it her own decision. There was just something about Pan that drew you in, and he knew it. That's why he tortured her by staying as distant from her as possible. So she hung around the next best thing. Felix. She knew he would never be Pan, but she had no choice. She longed to be noticed by him. Little did she knew he always noticed her, even when he didn't want to.

In the back of her mind, she thought of Pan. She cursed herself. "So what's Pan doing, killing another pirate?" She joked. His chuckle  was low and haunting, nothing like Pans, who's was childlike and warming.

"I'm not sure. He seems to be busy alot more." Yeah, when he's not messing with me. She thought. And that was right. Tiger Lily was his new toy, his pet if you will. Even though Lily found his games getting rather old.

She sat down under a tree. Felix sat next to her, wanting to change the subject. He didn't like talking about Pan with Lily, he could tell it brought her down. "Don't you have a celebration to attend?" He said.

She sighed. "Yes. But I'd rather not. It's just another one of fathers attempts to pair me up with another suiter."

Felix spit the straw out his mouth. "A suiter? Already?" He raised an eyebrow under his long blonde hair that lightly laid on his forehead.

"Well yes, I'm to be married young, father believes that it will 'calm my wild spirit'." She laughed dryly at her impression of her father, looking down at her hands.

Felix placed a finger on her chin, she looked up at him. "And what do you believe Tiger Lily?" He spoke as if the words just rolled of his tough perfectly. He said all the right things, paid her the right amount of attention. She couldn't help but feel attracted to him in that moment. But she looked down, feeling guilty as she thought of Pan.

"I don't know what I believe." She said softly. Felix cleared his throat. "You wanna know what I believe?" He asked as he got up. "What?" She said as he helped her off the ground, not letting go of her hands.

"I believe," he started out in a whisper, as if it were a secret. And then he began spinning around, taking Lily with him. "I believe that if we spin fast enough we can just fly away!" He said with a trace of laughter behind his words. Lily began to laugh as they spun, the only thing clear to her Felix.

"And if we just spin and spin and spin, we can go anywhere! We don't have to worry about anything!" They spun faster.

"And we don't ever have to worry about falling because we'll never stop spinning!" Lily threw her head back, looking up at the sky, letting her hair wrap around her face.

And for a second the air was just filled with laughter and the sound of leaves crunching under their feet. That was until they lost their grip and both flew back. They both broke out into a laughing fit as they held their stomachs.

And then when the laughing stopped, they just laid on their backs next to each other looking up at the sky. Felix turned his head to look at Lily without a word. She did the same. They kind of just laid there looking at each other. That was until Felix began to lean in. Lily didn't know how to react. She stayed still. And then his lips were there, touching hers. And she didn't hate it. She found herself closing her eyes. And then his lips were gone too quick and when she opened her eyes, Pan had Felix by the neck.

Lily quickly stood up. Pan didn't look at her, he just had anger in his eyes as he held Felix. "Pan stop!" Lily cried out, hitting his shoulder. "Let him go!" He finally let go, dropping Felix to the ground.

Lily knelt down to a gasping Felix. When she realized he was fine she looked up at Pan with a clenched jaw. "Why would you do that!" She practically screamed, standing up.

"He broke a rule." Pan hissed, the green flams still dancing in his eyes. Lily pushed on his chest. "And what rule is that?" Pan clenched his fist.

"To never play with my toys." An evil grin spread across his face as he looked up at her. The change in his voice and eyes were so frightening Lily took a step back.

She swollawed a lump in her throat. "I-I'm not your...toy!" She spat.

He inched closer to her, Lily only backed up slowly, until her back met the bark of a tree. "Oh but you are." Pan's finger grazed Lily' s chin. She flinched at his touch. She's seen him like this before, and it never ended well.

"You were mine from birth. I've always been in the back of your mind, and you've always been in the back of mine." He said studying her face as she looked off into the distance.

"That's not-" Lily started. Pan lifted a finger to her lips and shushed her. "Shhh, don't deny it."

She couldn't move. She was paralyzed. Of course he was right, but she would never admit it. And she would never admit that she liked the attention she was getting from him right now.

"I- I have to go." Lily attempted to free herself, but Pan only gripped her wrist. "You don't think I'll just let you go that easily do you?" A childish chuckle left his lips.

"Come on Pan, it-it was just a little kiss." Felix said, lifting himself off the ground. "You don't even care for the girl, so why should it matter?"
Felix had a playful smirk on his lips, something he picked up from Pan over the years.

Pan snapped his head over his shoulder. "Don't think I'm done with you either. Go back to camp and wait." Felix"s smirk fell and he disappeared into the woods.

"So you tell me princess, was that all it meant to you? A little kiss?" Lily stayed quiet. She was a completely different person around Pan. He made her insure and nervous. But she liked it.

"Well, perhaps you need some time to think about it. In the cage maybe?" His smirk only grew as the fear grew in Lily's eyes.

She pushed him back, the decreasing distance between them was making her anxious. "No, like I said I've got to go." She started walking away, but before she knew it, her vision had gone black and there she stood, in front of the cages, with Pan at her side.

"Dammit Pan!" She yelled. She hurteled a fist at his jaw, but it was quickly caught. He held her hand until it softened. He laid his own had on her cheek and pushed his lips into hers. She didn't fight it. She never did. It was a demanding and intimidating kiss, that she couldn't refuse.

He pulled away, pushing her down into the cage. She huffed as he locked the door. She held onto the bars. Pan began to walk away. "Why are you doing this?" Tiger Lily' s voice came out weak and defeated. He knew how she felt about him, and he used it against her.

He slowly turned around with a winning smirk. "Because you're mine, and mine alone." He turned around and chuckled as he left Lily's sight. Leaving her all alone, tortured with the burning sensation of his last kiss on her lips.

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