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Gay gay gay.

Peter was the type to play games. Oh how he loved his damn games. But Felix didn't, because Felix saw how actually Peter hates the games. It pained Peter to mess with people and hurt them, but he also liked it. And that's one of the reasons it pained him the most. And Felix saw it all.

And Felix was the only one that Peter allowed to see through him. You see, Peter and Felix shares a tent, and eveynight when Peter came in at the latest of hours, he unwinds. Let's himself go. At first Felix didn't know how to react. Because just like everyone else on the island, Peter cried.

At first he just stripped his clothes, climbed into bed and it was all quiet. But then the cries arose from his side of the tent. Felix was stunned. Speechless. So he did nothing, pretended that he didnt even hear it.

But the night one of the lost boys died, it was Peter, who spoke up.

It started off as every night. Peter stripped and laid in bed, but the crying started immediately. Peter sniffled and sat up in his bed, exposing his toned chest. "Felix." He said, just loud enough for him to hear. Felix didn't know if he should act like he hasn't heard him or just sit up. "Felix." He couldn't help it, his voice was so weak that it hardly even sounded like him.

Felix sat up. The light was dim, but he could still see the red in his eyes. "Yes Pan?"

"Am I a- am I a-" he couldn't finish the sentence. "Dammit." He muttered to himself, looking down.

"Nevermind." Peter said, but Felix wouldn't forget it that quick. Felix got up out of his bed and sat next to Peter. "What is it Pan? You've been acting different."

"It's the darkness Felix. It's consuming me." Peter planted a hand on Felix's and Felix tried his hardest to ignore the feeling it gave. "Now a boy has died. On my hands." Peter let go and pointed to his chest. The chest that Felix couldn't help but notice now.

"You can't blame yourself for that, you did what had to be done."

Peter shook his head slowly. "But murder..."

"It was justice." Felix said firmly. Something in Peter snapped.

"I have too much power Felix." He said through clenched teeth.

Felix leaned in. "Then control it." Felix would rather see anything then Peter powerless, the very thought of it was scary.

Peter pounced on Felix, pinning him to the bed. "See, this is the very thing I'm talking about. I could kill you right now and you wouldn't try to do anything. I could kill anyone and no one would flinch. Does no one see how messed up that is?" Peter's eyes were burning. He thought to turn his pain, to anger.

But Felix wasn't gonna play his game. He's known Peter too long to play his game. Felix tunred Peter over, with him now on top.

A smirk spread on Peter's face. This is what Peter wanted. For someone to be in control for once, for someone to make the next call and handle his every move. Peter liked being vulnerable in Felix's presence. But only his.

But Peter's smirk fell and he asked the question that he hesitated to ask earlier.

"Am I a monster." Felix fell to Peter's side, leaning on his elbow.

"Of course not Pan." He said with knitted eyebrows. How could Peter think so low of himself, Felix thought.

"What makes you think that?"

"Well," Felix reached over and placed a hand on Peter's bear chest, over his heart. "because you have a heart. A heart that beats."

Peter placed his hand atop of Felix's. Felix just wanted to stay like that, but then Peter's eyes drifted asleep and Felix figured he should sleep in his own bed, he slid Peter's hand off his, and carefully crawled over Peter, and off the bed. But just as Felix was turning around to his bed, Peter's hand caught Felix's.

"Yes Peter?" He asked. Peter motioned for Felix to come closer.

Felix leaned over him, waiting for Peter's words. But Peter motioned closer, and closer, until Felix could no longer come close, or their lips would touch.

"Felix." Peter mumbled, his breath hot on Felix. And without warning, Peter grabbed the back of Felix's neck and forces his lips on Peter's.

Oh Peter knew Felix was gay, but Felix didn't quit know.

Felix was confused, but then melted into the kiss. And when Felix pulled away, Peter had a smirk. That damn smirk.

"Stay with me Felix." Peter demanded, still with his eyes closed. And Felix crawled over Peter again, folded back the blanket, tensing up next to Peter.

Peter wrapped his arms around Felix, nuseling his head in his neck. It was calm and Felix liked it.

But deep down in Peter's stomach, he could feel a towel being twisted, for he was doing it again. He was hurting someone just because it felt right.

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