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Don't hate me. I ship it so hard.

When she arrived the air in Neverland changed. It tastes sweet and felt warm and gentle. Some could say that's how you describe the girl herself.

Peter, of course refused to believe that he took a liking to her instantly, although he did. What wasn't to like about the girl? So without a word or any discussion, she would stay.

At first Peter would deny it in his head although he talked to her often with kind words and small smiles that were reserved for only her.

She, in return gave him soft giggles and graceful glances across the bonfire. And how could he resist her weightless hair and charming lips that curved in the most beautiful way? Peter fell for her. Hell, everyone did. Just not in the same mind consuming way Peter did. 

He build her a tree house, a simple one not much bigger than the rest, but it was made with cherry wood and smelt of, well cherries. To him it was a small gesture, something he did for all the new members. But Wendy, she saw it as a piece of him, something he planned out and made just for her. Because you see, no other houses were made with cherry wood.

And living in that house only made her more lovely! For she smelled of cherries everyday. It was tangled in her hair and if the wind was blowing just right, Peter could close his eyes and pretend that his fingers were tangled in her hair and his head buried in her neck.

But Peter was childish and hadn't realised that this meant that he was completely and wholeheartedly in love with Wendy.

So years went by and Wendy's eagerness slowly faded away. She had thought that maybe she had been wrong, and Peter only treated her this way because he thought of her as a mother, just as the other boys did.

~~  ~~  ~~

Wendy began to gather her satchel full of things she found interesting and the book she had read to the boys tonight, and was about ready to head back to her treehouse when Peter tapped on her shoulder.

"Wendy, I have a question?" Oh he was clever with drawing attention, afraid that people would lose interest just as fast as he did.

She smiled up at him. He always looked so childlike with his gleaming curious eyes. "Of course. Walk with me?" He nodded and walked with his hands behind his back as they slowly walked down the trail.

"Well, tonight in your story, you said something that I did not quite  understand. " It almost seemed hard for the words to leave his mouth. Like admitting that you did not know something was a sin.

"Oh?" Was all she could reply with. The clever Peter Pan did not know something? How odd.

"Well, you see-you said the word...love. What does that mean?"

Wendy was baffled. Love? Well that was one of the first words an infant hears after birth. That got Wendy thinking- was Peter Pan born?- or did he simply just...exist? No, Wendy thought, he has just forgotten what love is. He is quit forgetful.

"No ones ever told you they love you?" Peter shook his head no, unable to speak because of the way Wendy said 'love'. He wanted her to say it again, and again.

Wendy stopped and looked up, thinking of a way to describe the word that she thought she would never have to. "Love is a strange thing, that's strong and undeniable. All your thoughts revolve around the person you love and you would do anything for that person." Wendy seemed to fall into a trance, her eyes glazing over as she described the magical feeling. Peter watched in awe at the passion for the subject that  overwhelmed her.

"You always want to be near them and without them you feel empty, and with them you become a better person. You want to hold them and protect them. You share kisses and hold gentle hands. You know that they are the only person out there that could understand you, and in a way, that exites and scares you. Love is beautiful and consuming." Her chest heaved up and down as she caught her breath. She felt her cheeks flush and chuckled a little, beginning to walk again, with Peter by her side with a smirk.

"I think I understand it now."

"Happy I could help."

They arrived at her tree house and Wendy began to bid goodnight. "Thanks for walking me home Peter." She said with a soft smile as she lightly squeezed his hand.

"Of course." He nodded with a returning smile. The ones only for her.

He almost forgot, as he often does, but not tonight, not now that he's sure.

"Oh, Wendy." He caught her wrist before she could climb up the latter. Wendy looked confused for a second, and the look in Peter's eyes only deepened her confusion.

"Yes?" She said with a raised eyebrow.

Peter took in a deep breath and drew closer to Wendy than he ever dared to before. Wendy's eyes shone as she looked up at him, wondering what he could be thinking.

He raised his fingers to Wendy's jaw, following it along to her slightly parted lips. The very lips that made even harsh words gentle and wonderful.

Wendy's heart raced and she looked at Peter's lips. She swallowed and some how formed words. "Peter, what are you doing?" She whispered.

Peter shushed her. "Be quiet." He whispered back as his eyes closed and his head slightly turned to the side, moving towards Wendy's.

Wendy almost lost patience as he slowly moved. Her lips burned to be kissed, and her heart fluttered with excitement. And when his lips carefully connected with hers, she realized just how bad she wanted it. How she wanted him.

He pulled away with a smirk. Wendy touched her lips, and underneath her hand you could hear an "oh my".

"Wendy." Peter said.


"I think I love you."

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