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This request is for @jmz1014 sorry it took forever!

"Jackie!" My mother's screech was heard from down stairs and my eyes shot open. I ran down the wooden steps and saw my mothers wide blue eyes as a hand covered her mouth.
He looked to be my age, with blonde hair and sharp frosty blue eyes.

My breath hitched and I reached for a glass vase and quickly threw it at the boy's face. He released my mother and cried out in pain.

My mother grabbed my hand and we started for the front door. Strong hands wrapped around my body, ripping my hand from my mother's. I kicked and thrashed, and he slammed me in to the ground, my head hitting the hard wood, and all was fuzy.

"Dammit Felix!" An unknown voice was heard. I lift my head and see a blurry hooded figure running towards the door, my mother screaming.

He lifted my mother off the ground and forced her into the coat closet, pushing a chair against the handle. The boy quickly walks into the kitchen. My mother pounds on the door and yells profanities.

"Mom!" I yell, slowly trying to stand up. I grow dizzy and stumble into a bookcase and try to drunkenly stumble to the door. But my journey is cut short when I am thrown over the shoulders of the blonde boy.

I kick and punch, but to no avail. "Mother!" I yell.

"Jackie!" She yells back.

"Pan, silence her!" The boys body rattles as he whispers. A pair of green eyes are the last things I see as my world goes black.


I awaken slowly, the pain in my head slowly drifting away as I begin to sit up, finding myself wrapped up in soft sheets and a warm bed. But just as I crawl out of bed and try to head for what looks like the exit, I notice the shackles engulfing my wrist.

I look around the stone room, with nothing in it besides me, some torches, a toilet, and the bed. Where was I? I pull on the shackles but found no give in the iron. I laid down in the bed, defeated.

Was I going to die? Was mother alright? Were people already searching for me?

A loud clink was heard with footsteps following behind the noise. I quickly pretended to be asleep.

The echoing footsteps got louder until they just stopped. "I know you are awake."

My eyes slowly open and I roll over to see a boy. The boy with green eyes. I don't look away, but I don't speak.

He seems to do the same as he holds a tray of food in his hands. I look at the food and he sets it down by my feet.

"I've brought you lunch." He said casually. I look at the food but do not move.

He crossed his arms. "Come on, eat." He nods to me. I swallow a lump in my throat.

"Are you-are you gonna hurt me." I said, almost too quiet.

His eyebrows furrowed together and the room seemingly grew smaller as he stepped closer to me. I closed my eyes, not sure of what's to come, but am surprised when a gentle hand grazes my cheek. "Of course not, princess." He said softly.

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