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@poppyfitz | To anyone who has read the article about Chris, Sebastian, and I, I would like to make it clear that celebrities are people, too. We are not perfect...
4:51 PM - 14 Mar 2014
73,916 retweets 80,826 favorites

@poppyfitz | We also are entitled to have a night out with friends if we wish to do so. Now, I'm not saying that the article is accurate. Gossip blogs...
4:53 PM - 14 Mar 2014
71,172 retweets 78,631 favorites

@poppyfitz | about celebs are often written by people paid to take situations out of context. But if it is accurate, nothing wrong with Seb's post...
4:54 PM - 14 Mar 2014
69,716 retweets 70,917 favorites

@poppyfitz | No one was forced to do anything. Nothing bad happened. No harm done. The 3 of us are responsible adults, but like I said, no one's perfect.
4:56 PM - 14 Mar 2014
69,128 retweets 70,221 favorites

@imsebastianstan | I agree with @poppyfitz 100%. You can't believe everything you read online, but also can't blow things out of proportion for fun.
5:03 PM - 14 Mar 2014
97,991 retweets 100,711 favorites

@imsebastianstan | A lot of people look up to celebrities, but we make mistakes, too.
5:10 PM - 14 Mar 2014
96,175 retweets 98,726 favorites

@chrisevans | @poppyfitz What article?
5:41 PM - 14 Mar 2014
113,731 retweets 116,441 favorites

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