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messages with meatball 💞

meatball 💞
can we talk about this?
please don't ignore me.

pop-tart ♥️
I'm only talking if you're going to
give me the real reason as to why
you're doing this.

meatball 💞
I don't want to worry you.

pop-tart ♥️
the hell is that supposed to mean?
I'm already torn apart, so just tell me.
is there a girl in London you met?

meatball 💞
you have to be joking.
are you serious?

pop-tart ♥️
I just don't see how missing me too much
is a reason to break up. that's some messed
up logic, chris.

meatball 💞
it is the reason, you just don't know the
details. but I don't even want to explain
if you really had any doubt in me.

pop-tart ♥️
why won't you just tell me the truth?

meatball 💞
I told you the truth already.

pop-tart ♥️
but there's something you aren't telling me.
does this have something to do with Minka?

meatball 💞
oh my god.
how would she have anything to do with this?
you know what, forget taking a break. if you
really think I'd cheat on you, or that any of
this would have anything to do with her, maybe
we just shouldn't even be together at all.

pop-tart ♥️
so you would rather break up for good
than explain to me why missing me is a
reason to take a break while you're gone?

meatball 💞
I don't know.
all I know is that you must not trust me if
you really thought another girl or Minka was
the reason.

pop-tart ♥️
I do trust you!
I trusted you when you promised that
you going to London wasn't going to change
anything! remember that! but look where
we are now. YOU are the one that suggested
a break. not me.

meatball 💞
I didn't know how hard it was going to be.

pop-tart ♥️
I thought I was worth it to you.

meatball 💞
you are. but this arguing isn't worth it.
I can't do this. not with you.

pop-tart ♥️
so we really are taking a break?

meatball 💞
for good.
read: 9:28pm

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