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messages with Sebastian

have you heard anything
from poppy today?

she doesn't want to talk
to you, chris. I'm sorry.

did she tell you what happened?
read: 3:01pm


you chose the wrong girl to
mess with dude. first her dad
died and now her best friend
has been lying to her the whole
time. think about how horrible
she must feel.

if you're trying to make me
feel miserable, it's working.
I hate myself.

yeah well

seb, you know I don't care about
minka anymore. I've always been
here for poppy.

well you cared about minka
and you weren't there for
poppy when you were on top of
minka not even a month ago.
read: 3:18pm

don't worry though.
I'm here for her this time.

Sebastian please
don't let her do this
I need her.

yeah well she doesn't need
read: 3:26pm

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