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@poppyfitz I don't think I owe an explanation as to why I took a break from social media for a while. I've been dealing with a lot lately.
2:51 PM - 14 Apr 2014
48,516 retweets 51,092 favorites

@user @poppyfitz well everyone knows that your dad died so

@poppyfitz @user oh well then everyone knows that I had a good reason why I put my life on hold

@user2 @user @poppyfitz you can't do that forever tho...you have a movie to film

@user3 @poppyfitz time to move on. I know it's hard to let go of someone but he's not coming back and you're only delaying age of ultron's release

@poppyfitz @user3 well I'm so sorry that I am an inconvenience to some of you. I know you're excited for the movie, so am I..but

@poppyfitz @user3 mentally I am not capable of spending hours on set pretending to be someone else when I can barely handle being myself rn

@poppyfitz @user3 I've talked to our director and he was very understanding. I thought my fans would have been, too.

@user4 @poppyfitz I'm sorry people are treating you this way! I'm still your biggest fan!

@chrisevans @user4 @poppyfitz not possible because I'm actually her biggest fan.

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