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messages with meatball 💞

meatball 💞
I need you

pop-tart ♥️
everything okay Chris?

meatball 💞
you're too far away

pop-tart ♥️
I know
I miss you

meatball 💞
I just wish you were here
how's your mom?

pop-tart ♥️
she put on a smile the first
three days I was here but..
she gave up on playing pretend

meatball 💞
I'm sure she's glad to have
you home, poppy

pop-tart ♥️
I'm sure she is
I know she is
I just don't think she knows what
to do with herself now that dad is

meatball 💞
I think she'll learn to live without

pop-tart ♥️
not like she has a choice
so yeah
I know the feeling

meatball 💞

pop-tart ♥️

meatball 💞
don't do that

pop-tart ♥️
do what

meatball 💞
I'll be home in a few months

pop-tart ♥️
I have to go, mom needs my
help with something.

meatball 💞
I'll call you tomorrow
I love you

pop-tart ♥️
I love you, too

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