50 ) call

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bold is chris
italics is poppy

Hey, Pop-Tart!

Hi Meatball!

Did you sleep okay?

Yes! I slept in until twelve surprisingly.

Doesn't surprise me. I didn't drop you off at home until, what, four in the morning?

Hahaha, something like that.

Well, I hope you're fully rested because you now have plans for today.

Oh do I?

Yeah. Get dressed.

What makes you think I'm not already dressed?

Poppy, I know you. You'd wear pajamas all the time if you could.

Okay, true. What are these plans you speak of?


Hm. Okay.

Be ready in an hour.

Roger that, Rogers.

Don't make Steve jokes.

I do what I want. Anyways, can we talk? We didn't get the chance to at the Super Bowl.

Yeah, sorry about that. My inner kid comes out at football games. And Pratt was of no help, hahaha.

You're a kid all the time, Chris.

I see how it is. But what did you want to talk about?

I think you can probably guess.


Yeah. What was that?

I don't know.

You can't just kiss me and then say that.

I don't know what else to say. I thought we were just friends.

So, what? You want me to be your friend with benefits now? Because that's not happening.

Of course not! I just-I meant. . .I thought it was a mistake. I thought we were gonna go back to the way—

A mistake?

That's not what I meant.

What did you mean then?

What do you want?

An answer to my question.

You know how I feel about you.

Do I? Because last I checked, you kissed me and then we never spoke of it again.

I thought you wanted to pretend it never happened.

I don't understand where you're getting those thoughts from. I kissed you back for a reason.

If it were up to me, honestly—


Let me finish and you'll find out.


If it were up to me, we'd be more than friends. That's what I want. Just you.


What? You act like you're surprised?

I just don't see why that was so hard to spit out.

Because I'm not sure how you're going to react. You confuse me.

I'm a girl; we do that.


I have wanted that for a while now.


I've wanted to be with you for a while now. . .

Seriously? Why didn't you tell me?

Because I wasn't sure how you'd react.


So now what?

You're supposed to be getting ready.

For what?

For our surprise plans. Remember?

Oh yeah. I forgot.



I'm on my way, okay? We'll talk more in the car.

Okay, Meatball.

Hahaha. Okay. See you soon.

Bye, Chris.

Bye, Pop-Tart.

Little Talks ☇ C. EvansWhere stories live. Discover now