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big mack
what's taco tuesday?

chris evans
don't take this the wrong way
but taco tuesday is our thing

sweetheart seb

big mack
so I'm uninvited to poppy's?
by you?
when she was the one who invited
not you?

chris evans
poppy explain to him

poppy seed
so basically, taco tuesday happens
once a month. chris brings over a ton
of taco ingredients and he makes tacos
while I watch and dance around the
kitchen like an idiot. I actually don't
even eat the tacos; he does.
anyways, taco tuesday is cancelled
this month. see you tonight mack

sweetheart seb
can I join in

poppy seed
the more the merrier

chris evans
so we aren't making tacos?

poppy seed
WE aren't making anything.

chris evans
so should I get takeout?

poppy seed
get what you want
you're the one who will be eating
it all by yourself.

chris evans
you're seriously not inviting me?
this is childish.

poppy seed
maybe you can hang out with minka
then and you can do adult things since
I'm so childish. have fun. use protection.

chris evans
I thought we were past this

big mack
so I should bring lettuce or?

poppy seed
no we aren't past this.
maybe YOU are past this
but I am not past this.

big mack
tomatoes? cheese?

chris evans
I apologized to you!
I made a mistake. why can't
you forgive me?

poppy seed
this isn't about forgiveness chris
I do forgive you
but that doesn't mean it doesn't

chris evans
I'm so sorry pop-tart
I don't know what else to do

big mack
is that a no on the taco stuff then?

poppy seed
I don't know either

sweetheart seb
can you two just give it a rest?

chris evans

sweetheart seb
the bickering
just shut up and make-out

but according to that e!news
article, the making out is your
job now Sebastian

chris evans has left the conversation

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