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meatball chris 😇 added poppy seed to the conversation.

big mack

sweetheart seb

poppy seed
I've missed you all

mama scarjo
how are you angel?

poppy seed
falling apart lol
luckily Chris is pretty good
company and he has patience

meatball chris 😇
what I'm here for :)

big mack
has this getaway trip to
Rhode Island given you
some time to think about
your feelings for each other?

poppy seed
Anthony it wasn't a getaway
trip what the hell

meatball chris 😇
dude can you at least try
and think before speaking

big mack
I'm sorry
but about the question

sweetheart seb
how about you give it a
rest for now anthony

poppy seed
or just give it a rest forever.
I love you guys but sometimes
I can only handle so much at
once and right now everything
is going wrong and I need some
space. I told Chris I wanted to talk
to you guys because I missed you.
but here you are bugging me about
my feelings for him yet again. just
let me breathe a little, okay?

big mack
ok but if we are bugging
you about your feelings
for Chris then that means
you do have feelings for him.

poppy seed
oh my gosh

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