Just another day.

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Just another day.

I woke up to the sound of crying.... again! I got up from my comfy, warm bed and put on my big sweatshirt and fluffy, grey socks. I was really cold because I had left the window open. Stupid.

I walked out of my room to hear people talking downstairs, so with a little yawn, I hobbled down the stairs to Joann, the career of all of us. She was sitting there with little Lilly, who was crying.

"Lilly! What happened baby girl?" I asked while rushing to her. She peered up at me with her big blue eyes and ran over to me, almost making me fall, but luckily I didn't.

"I don't want to go," she cried, and I looked at Joann in confusion

"She's got a nice family with a little girl, a little older than her, who want to adopt her but she doesn't want to leave. You're in charge to fix this!" She quietly shouted, but I just rolled my eyes and picked little Lilly up, taking her to go play in the playroom.

Setting her down on a beanie chair, I comforted her. "Hey, it's okay. Everything will be okay." I kissed her blonde hair and cuddled her. "Just think of it: a nice, warm place to call your home; a mummy, daddy, and big sister to call your own; you can have your own room with Miss Cuddle Bunny." I smiled as she looked at me as her pink lips turned into the small, cheeky smile that I love.

"Really? My own room? And a mommy?" She asked with a sniff.

"You remember Rosé? She went to a new home where she had a mommy, daddy, and a smelly brother AND a new boyfriend." She made a funny face at the word boyfriend, which in turn made me giggle.

"Will you visit me?" She asked with her little head tilted to the side.

"Of course princess," I smiled. "Now come on. Let's go and brush our teeth. I can smell your morning breath!" I joked to her.

"Eww!" She jumped up, pulling me with her to the shower room. We had a shower, in our swimwear, and then brushed our teeth. When we were done we went back to her room. I dressed her in white tights and a little yellow dress with a sunflower belt, little slip-on shoes and a flower headband in her hair to keep it out her face.

Once she was done, I went to my room and changed into a pair of black jeans that were ripped (from my ankle to the top of my thigh), a black sports bra top, grey Vans, and a grey sweatshirt. I then put in my lip ring, belly bar and earrings.

I let my long hair flow down in a side fringe, like normal. I put on some foundation, a little eyeliner, mascara and chapstick. I messed my hair up a little bit making it how I like it, then grabbed Lilly from my bed and we hopped down the stairs.

We had our breakfast, mine being a banana, and hers being Honey Hoops with an apple juice. Then a scream split the silence.

"Lucy you broke my lipstick!" I heard Millie scream. 'Oh god!' I thought as I jogged upstairs to find Millie and Lucy pushing each other.

"Girls!" I shouted and they stopped mid-fight. They both know I never shout unless I'm serious, which doesn't happen very often.

"Ohhhhhh, you girls are in trouble!" Frank shouted as he ran past, but I grabbed his arm and pushed him into the wall. "Ohhhhh I'm in trouble," he sighed.

"What's behind your back?" I asked as I saw something pink flash behind him "Do you really want me to take your free time away?" I threatened and he huffed while passing me Lucy's notebook "Frank!" I shouted. "How much did you read?" I questioned and he started to blush.

"Just to the part where she wrote that she likes me more than a friend," he said shyly. I looked at Lucy and she blushed. "I, um, like you to Lucy more than a friend," he stuttered.

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