Writing the note :(

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Writing the note :(

I woke to feel the warm arms of Luke round me. He must have come in last night.

I smiled and slowly tried getting up but Luke pulled me back down hugging me close

"Luke let me go" I smiled as he pretended to sleep "I know your awake" he made a funny sound and rolled over flipping me over with him making me giggle. I saw him trying not to smile "Luke I see you smiling" he just hugged me closer "fine then if you're not awake I suppose you won't get a morning kiss.." He opened his eyes and flipped me over again this time him hovering above me "morning" I smirked.

"Morning princesses" he leaned in kissing me softly... We ended up making out for about 10 minutes...

"I'm going to get dressed" I said and kissed Luke one more time before walking off. I had a shower and brushed my teeth like normal then got dressed in a black Bandeau, black ripped shorts, white hoodie, white high top converse all stars and a black beanie.

My normal wavy hair, foundation, eyeliner, mascara and cap stick what tasted like bubble gum!

I felt really sleepy so Luke carried me like the loving boyfriend he is

"Hello!" Beau shouted really loud making me moan and hide my face on Luke's chest while covering my ears

"Beau don't be a dick" Luke said as he placed me on the sofa then walked off

"La la la la!" Beau shouted in my ear

"Stop if you carry on I will cry" I moaned

"Don't be boring!!" Beau shouted in my ear really loud, next thing I know I'm standing up then BOOM! Beaus on the floor swearing.

"Riley made beau cry!" Jai laughed and I gave him an evil look

"What did you do?" Luke asked amused

"He shouted in my ear so I jumped up punched him in the face" I explained as I took the tablets Luke gave me with milk.

"Alright then" he shrugged and then laid on the sofa "come lay with me" he smiled and I laid with him cuddling into his chest as he held me close

We just laid there for a while talking about random things when he asked

"Why was you in that adoption place?" He asked and I sat up

"Um I'm going to um I need a drink" I whispered then got up walking over to the kitchen it was really silent. I got my self some milk drinking it in little sips as I just stood there looking out the window

"Do you trust me?" I jumped at the sound of Luke's voice

"What are you talking about?" I asked confused

"I asked you why you were in that place, you don't belong there with all those... Those..." He couldn't think of the right word. I was getting angry

"Those what?" I ask

"Those kids" he said loudly

"Those kids, I'm one of those kids!" I say almost a shout

"But you're normal! they're not!" He says clearly getting angry

"You're talking about them like they are some type of crazy zoo animals!" I shout putting the glass on the side "those kids wear my family for 6 fucking years! Those kids where the only thing I had! Those kids are my family!" I shout loudly I heard the boys and Ariana whispering

"I don't mean it like that, I'm saying you belong in a normal place, not some kid full house!" He shouts at me for the first time

"I was one of them I still am! You're judging a book by its cover! that ouse is the only family those kids know but you wouldn't know that Mr I have a perfect life!" I shout and pull my hands into a ball

"I haven't had a perfect fucking life!" He shouts then his face softens as he sees tears falling down my cheeks "Riley I'm sorry but it just seems like you don't trust me I trust you, it's like you don't want me to know something I just want to know why you were there I want to understand why a perfect girl like you was in that place" he said

"I'm scared" I said "I'm scared to trust people, I'm scared to love people, everyone I have ever trusted and loved had been taken away from me I gave up on trust a long fucking time ago" I walked passed them and opened the kitchen door to find everyone standing there I pushed past them all while shouting the words "next time you wanna know something just ask don't belittle fucking rats!"

"Riley!" Luke shouts as I run up the stairs

"Just" I turned around seeing everyone looking at me "just leave me alone" I say as more tears fall down. I run into my room and lock the door going over to my guitar

"Today was gonna be the day that there throw it back to you,

by now you should have somehow realised what you got to do,

I don't believe that anybody feels the way I do about you now,

Backbeat the word is on the street that the fire in your heart is out,

I'm sure you've heard it all before but you never really had a doubt,

I don't believe that anybody feels the I do about you know...." I sang. My mum and dads old favourite song before they died mum always preferred my way of singing it.

(Ed Sheeran cover - Wonderwall)

I finished the song and put my guitar down... I miss them so much!

going onto twitter it was worse than last night.

'Go die!'
'Cut yourself to death!'
'Jump of a brig!'
'Slut slut go cut :)'
'worthless whore'
'why are you even alive?'
'Kill yourself!'
'Get the fucking point and just die!'

And so many more...

I felt like I couldn't breathe. This was unbearable I couldn't do this.. tears trailed down my cheeks one after the other. I couldn't do this anymore. I grabbed a notepad and pen getting on my bed as I wrote:

'Dear everybody,

I'm sorry. This is hard for me to write. I love you all so much.

I'm doing what I should off done a long time ago, don't bother coming to look for me please I beg you to let me do this, I need to, I have no meaning on this earth I'm just a waste of space :(

Luke, I love you, I really do I never knew what love really was till I met you <3 you can find someone better than me! Find a girl who is worth your time, who is beautiful and loving and caring. I love you goodbye <3

Ariana (A.K.A muffin), thank you thank you so much! I will always think of you as my big sister! You are amazing and don't let Jai go! You two are perfect! Make sure he treats you like a princess how Luke treated me or I will haunt him!!

And for the rest of you boys!! Keep playing pranks! Keep making people laugh! Don't ever grow up promise me you will never grow up and never do what I am doing because I will make sure you go to hell! You lot live your life's and be happy :)

I'm sorry I have been such a waste of space, I'm worthless You don't need me. Go on my twitter read all the messages I have gotten read on my wall I have had it for years! All the bullies! I'm just given them what they want :(

Luke, You know where I am if you think, think about the starts you know where I'm ending it all don't come! Don't be Superman! I want this, I don't want to live here on earth any more all it's ever done is give me pain! I hate it so I'm leaving! Please :( don't be my superman tonight <3

Love, Riley may

xxx <3 <3 :* :* xxx'

This is it...

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