"You really are.... Different"

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"You really are... Different"

When we landed we got Into a different car and headed over to my new so-called 'home'

"My boyfriend and his brothers and they 2 other friends will be here soon" she smiled "are you hot? maybe you should take that jumper off. I nodded and pulled the jumper off holding it in my lap. "So do you have any piercings"

"Yep I have a belly bar, lip ring and earrings" I said and looked at her smiling face. Is she being nice? I smiled a fake smile back and looked out the window. At the house, it was amazing.

It was a big house made of red bricks, white and black... wood? I think. It had a massive green filed thing out the front with a brick driveway. Inside was beautiful there were fairy tail type stairs.

"I will show you round upstairs first" she smiled and dragged me upstairs. "This is my room, I love shoes as you can see" It was a lovely big spacey room. I noticed there was part of one wall full of photos of her and her friends and family having fun and being silly it made me smile. "Oh, I wanna show you the dining room!" Shes very excited! I like it "come on" we went down to a large dining room it looked scary she even told me there's sometimes banging and they think it's from this room.

"Scary" I sighed and she giggled dragging me through another door to the kitchen once again it was beautiful with marble sides and big windows. We went outside and she showed me her puppy pogo! He is so cute! Next, we went to the pool

"I have never been in it to this very day there's just never time" she smiled and took off her shoes dipping her foot in

"You have never been in it huh?" I asked I heard boys walking and talking we both looked up to see 5 boys?

"Jai!" She shouted "that's my boyfriend his brothers and his 2 friends" she explained

"Okay" I shrugged with a cheeky smirk "so you have never once been in that pool to this day this very second" I asked

"No, I told you this!" She said amused

"Hey how about you go for a swim now?" I asked and some of the boys took out the phones knowing what I was going to do.

"We don't have time I need to show you around and I don't even know if my swimwear still fits me" she smiled

"Well who said anything about swimwear?" I asked and bit my lip

"What are you talking about?" she asked confused and a little worried I stepped closer

"You look a little hot there how about a nice cold swim?" I asked then pushed her back into the pool she let out a scream and swam to the side

"What the hell?!" She shouted

"You looked a little hot" I smirked

"Well why don't I push you in" she threatened

"No need I can dive in" I took a little run up and done a dive into the pool then splashed Ariana "it's just a bit of fun loosen up" I giggled and swam to the edge of the pool jumping out "lets get the tour over with then sis" I smirked and helped her out the pool. I had been hard on her before, I needed to lighten up and try to embrace this. I mean I'm living with Ariana Grande!

"I will show you your room then I need to get changed" she shivered as I giggled at her "you're evil I should have chosen a little cute kid," she said and I stopped giggling "I didn't mean to say that I mean I"

"Yah sure, can you just show me my room. I want to be able to enjoy it seeming as I probably won't be here long" I said and she looked shocked and guilty as she grabbed my hand and took me off to my room.

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