No such thing as fairy tails

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No such thing as fairy-tails

That night was the night everything changed for the worse...

Riley survived, but, she went Into a deep depression the bullying got worse even the newspapers said the worst about her. Riley started cutting again her arms got covered in cuts and scars including where she had written thing Into her arm, she had cut her stomach and hips so much it hurt to do most things. She stopped eating after a while, she got so skinny you could see her ribs. She wouldn't sleep much, Riley couldn't even manage to hide behind a smile. She ended up taking a knife to her neck....

Luke, he didn't know what to do, he was watching the love of his life suffer every second of every day, soon Luke started cutting, he would smile no more, he just sat there for days with no food, he would never go out, Luke ended up losing his fans and getting hate. Luke also took a knife to his neck leaving a note telling everyone why he had to do this... He mainly said that he couldn't live without his love, Riley. He wanted to be with her.

Jai, he stopped talking. Hasn't spoken since the day his twin took his own life. He just nods. He lays in bed most days and is made to eat by beau and his mum. He also lost a lot of his fans but still has some support. He doesn't cry he cuts, everything sharp has to be hidden coz of his cutting.

Beau, he cry's every day. He promised to never to drink again after being put in a hospital for two mouths from drinking. Beau makes sure his mum and Jai always eat even though he doesn't eat a lot. Beau still has a lot of fans but had lost a lot too. Beau talks to his fans every day no matter what.

Skip, he took up smoking weed he is now addicted and owes a lot of money to drug dealers. He cry's every so often but try's to be strong. He has never cut but has been close. Skip started sleeping around with random girls to try to make himself happy but it never works.

James, he is an alcoholic. He is always drunk and never stops drinking. He has been in rehab 6 times. He cry's when nobody is around but puts on a fake drunk smile when people are around. He blames everyone else, he always says they should have saved Riley and Luke that none of this would have happened if it wasn't for them. James only goes out once a week the rest of the time is spent where ever he wants to sleep.

Ariana. She now works at care homes making sure everyone is treated nicely and that there happy. She never sings but she does play the piano but only songs Riley had written. Ariana is deeply depressed. Jai and her are still together they text every night they promise to never break up its what Riley wanted.

So there it is. Sad I know.

Who am I you ask...

It's me, Riley, I'm living in the stars with Luke. We have a family now and sooner or later the boys and Ariana will join us and it will be perfect

So there you have it

Fairy tails are story's that haven't ended yet.....


Sorry for the very sad depressing ending but I was getting broad of the book and I didn't know what to write so I thought it was best for me to end it another wise I would be writing loads of things and ended up going completely of track

this is one of my ways of getting my point across "no such thing as fairy tails" I'm depressed, a cutter etc. I wanted to put it out there that life is not all happy peaches and lemons it doesn't always have a happy ending, I'm sorry if it made you upset or even cry I hate making people upset and I'm sorry I made you feel that way and I'm sorry its such a depressing ending.

Suicide, self-harm, depression, anorexia, substance abuse etc are all very serious matters. if you need help please get help, talk to someone, anyone. Feel free to message me if you are struggling in any way. Please make sure you're friends and family are okay and be there for them. Spread love and care for others. 

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