What have i done

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What have I done

"No!" Everyone shouted

"Riley!" Luke's voice called in the panic. Just at the second, I didn't want to die... But it was too late I'm falling to my death...

 I don't want to! I want Luke!. Suddenly I felt like I was no longer falling... I opened my eyes "I got you" Luke whispered he was hanging over the edge a little, he had hold off my hand

"Don't let go" I whisper

"I'm never letting go" he whispered and pulled me up. As soon as Luke had pulled me up I fell into Luke's arms crying

"I'm sorry, so sorry I thought that's what I wanted but I didn't, as soon as I started falling I didn't want to die I just wanted you" I cried out

"Well you got me forever" he whispered hugging me tightly as if he let go I would disappear forever and ever "I love you Riley" he said while looking into my eyes

"I love you Luke" he leaned in a pressed his lips to mine for a few seconds "I'm sorry I have put you through all off this"

"It's okay" suddenly news reporters pushed through the door with paparazzi Luke picked me bridal style. I put my hood up covering as much of my face as possible

"Let's go home" Beau said as we climbed into the car. Once we got home... I fell to the floor

"Riley!" Luke shouted picking me up

"I feel sleepy" I yawned starting to go dizzy

"Sleeping tablets!" Ariana shouted "on the roof, there were packets of sleeping tablets with a bottle of vodka. i saw them but it didnt click.. she must of taken them" she explained

"We need to get her to a hospital!" Beau shouts

"Don't let her sleep" James said and Like nodded as we climbed back Into the car

"I'm sorry" I closed my eyes but they woke me up.

"Don't go to sleep Riley" Luke whispered looking into my eyes "don't close your beautiful eyes princess"

"I'm trying not to but it's hard " I said the. The car stopped and Luke carried me as we all ran into the hospital "I can't" I whispered

"We need a doctor!" Beau shouts

"Someone help us!" Ariana screams

"Riley please" Luke begged me

"I can't it's too hard" I said weakly

"What's the problem?" A doctor asked

"She took tablets sleeping tablet a lot of them she took them with a whole bottle of vodka" skip explained

"Okay she needs to come with me" Luke passed me over as tears fell

"No I want Luke" I said and struggled

"It's okay we're going to help you" he said as he took me away from Luke...

"I don't want you I want Luke!" I shout and started punching his chest "let me go" I cried out

"I can't do that" he said

"You couldn't save my mum or dad why should I trust you people" I said "Luke!" I scream

"I'm sorry about your mum and dad I really am but you need help" he said

"Luke!" I scream again "Luke help me!" I cried out as I was placed onto a bed "Luke" I whispered then my eyes shut slowly

"Riley stay with us!" The doctor shouted

"Luke" I whispered then it went black

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