Im sorry

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I'm sorry

Tears spilled down my cheeks as I got dressed into a pair of black shorts, a crop top saying 'you know my name, not my story',  my white converse, a black beanie and grabbed Luke's jumper what was left in my room. I put in my black lip ring, belly bar and stud earrings in. My last outfit.

I placed my notepad with the note written on it on to my bed I left my laptop open on twitter so they could see everything.

While taking a deep breath I looked out side seeing that if was getting dark.

 'Its time to go'

I put my hood up and opened my door shutting it behind me as silently as possible when I knew it was clear I went down the stairs slowly. I could feel my heart beat through my whole body, I felt like everyone could hear it beating. I went to the front door and sneaked out closing the door as silently as possible again.

When I was outside I walked over to the main road getting a lift to the building Luke showed me...

•-• LUKE'S POV •-•

My heart broke as I picture Riley crying... I got to go see if she's okay. I wanted to go after her but Ariana said she needed time alone.

I walked up the stairs and knocked on her door

"Riley, can I come in?" I ask... No answer "Riley?" I ask again but still no answer

"What you doing?" I looked behind to see Jai and Ariana standing there

"I wanted to make sure Riley was okay but she's not answering" I sighed then Ariana walked over

"Riley, it's me can I come in?" No answer "I'm coming in" Ari slowly opened the door "Riley?" She asked confused she opened the door fully... Where is she "no no no no...." Ariana said and feel to her knees "Riley" she choked out Jai ran over to her and held her as she cried

"Where is she?" I ask worriedly. Jai gives me the note and I read through it. I run downstairs to where the rest of the boys are "she's gone" I said

"Who?" Skip asked


"Where?" Beau asked

"I'm not too sure"


"Read this" I didn't want to cry

"Why?" They all ask

"Just fucking read it!" I shout and beau reads it all out loud

"Luke she said you know where she is, think of stars?" Beau said and I couldn't think right my mind was thinking of too many things

"I don't fucking no!" I shout and punch the wall over and over till I just fall to the floor and sat punching the floor

"Chill bro" skip stopped me and looked into my eyes "why stars?"

Stars? Stars... STARS! The building... She going to... NO!

"I know where she is she's at the abandoned building the one what looks over LA and we laid on the roof and looked at the stars she must be there!" I say and jump up "come on before-" tears fell down my cheek

"Luke it's okay she won't" skip said and all I could do was nod.

We all ran out to the car and drove to the building. I looked at the top... There was a girl. Her legs were dangling off the edge she was drinking something... Then she stood up

"Shit!" I shout and we all run into the building running up all the stairs until we get to the top. I pushed open the door "Riley!" I shout louder then I have ever shouted before then...

•-• RILEY'S POV •-•

Before going up I got a man to go and buy me a bottle of vodka while I bought a few packs off sleeping pills. We met back outside and he gave me my vodka and I went I to the building walking all the way to the top.

I went to the edge and sat there with my legs hanging off the edge. I pulled out my phone playing one of my random playlists. I open the vodka taking a few gulps feeling the stinging as I swallowed. I started to take loads of sleeping tablets washing them down with vodka

About half hour later I started to feel funny.

papa roach scars acoustic started to play I stood up looking up at the stars. I let the wind brush through my hair as I drink more vodka ending the bottle I smashed the bottle on the ground next to me then just as I started to lean forward...

"Riley!" Luke's voice boomed I turned around seeing them all running towards me they all looked worried

"Stop!" I scream "take one more step I jump!" I shout they all stop. Everyone was breathing heavily they all had tears falling down there cheeks

"Riley please don't jump" Luke said softly I looked at him right in the eyes "please" he begged

"I have no use on this earth. I'm just a worthless adopted girl, I don't deserve to be breathing on this earth" I said as tear after tear fell

"Riley in the note you said that you love me" I nodded slowly "I love you too, I have loved you for a long time, please don't jump"

"In the note, I begged you not to be my superman" I said in almost a whisper "you didn't listen"

"I'm no superman unless I save you" he answered back

"I'm sorry" I closed my eyes and slowly took a step back...

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