".... a friend way"

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•-• RILEY'S POV •-•

I had a shower because I felt horrible after being in that bed for two weeks. I must have smelled like crap.

I brushed my teeth and dried my hair then got dressed into the clothes Ariana had brought me, I kinda deserved it, she must have been worried because I noticed her sleeping in the bed in my room. The pink top hugged me nicely as well as the shorts. I slipped on the floral vans and jumper that were also in there. 

I walked out and looked in the fall size mirror, I looked okay. I grabbed my make-up and sat cross-legged on the floor and done my makeup.

"Ready?" I looked up at momma and nodded. She helped me up and we walked out to the boys and Ariana

"She's awake!" They all cheered making me laugh a little. We started walking when I suddenly felt a hand holding mine I looked next to me to find Luke. I tried to hide my blush and held his hand back. I love the feeling that I get whenever I feel his touch and the skip my heart does when I see his face. I definitely fancy him.

"There's going to be a lot of fans and paparazzi outside so get ready" Luke whispered in my ear making a shiver run down my spin he smirked at my reaction so I shoved him to the side a little.

"Ariana! Jai! Overs here"
 "over here!"
 "Luke who's that girl?!"
 "Ariana is it true you adopted a sister?!"
"Ariana is that your adopted sister?!"
 "Who's the pretty girl?!"
 "Look this way!"
 "Who are you?!"
 "Are you acting as Ariana's new sister?!"
"Are you and Luke dating?"
"Who are you?"
 "Ariana this way!"
 "Over here!"
Paparazzi screamed flashing their cameras

We walked over to where there were loads of fangirls they signed things and took pictures with people then we left Luke still holding my hand. I ended up having to sit on Luke's lap because there wasn't enough room but that did mean I could put my legs on beau and skip!

"Comfy?" Beau asked amused

"Yep" I then yawned

"That's so cute!" James started "your so little even your yawn is little it's all like silent then you let out a little high pitched cute sound like a little puppy!" He awed

"He is right it was really cute" Luke said making me blush a little so I hid my face with Luke's hoodie that's when I realised he had no top in... I blush a little more and closed my eyes.

"Riley, I dare you to shout out the window to random people about something" opening my eyes I smiled and opened the window leaning the top half of my body out

"excuse me!" a few people turned to me "Do you have some Tampons? I've come on my period and really need some!" people tried to look away and ignore me "EXCUSE ME I NEED SOME TAMPONS!" I shout loudly and by now everyone in the car is laughing but then the best thing of all happened a girl my age come running over holing some 

"here you go hopefully these will be okay" I smiled and took them "periods come on at the worst times right"

"yeah, they really do" I smiled and she walked off "thank you" I got back in and closed the window "Tampons anyone?" everyone was laughing and I saw beau had recorded me so I stuck my tongue out before he faced it to himself.

"Dare 1. Dared by beau" then Beau ended the video "right what we are doing is we all have to dare Riley to do something while someone takes pictures then post them on Twitter And Facebook then the next day we do the same but with pictures from the next dare and so on till everyone had dared her then we put it as a video and post it on janoskians YouTube page! And tell everyone about it on Twitter and Facebook" he explained and I agreed. They probably want to see what they can get me to do, they haven't known me very long.

"Let the games begin" I said. I closed my eyes


I woke up as the car stopped moving

"What?" I said confused as I yawned

"woke up just in time" Luke said as I sat up and smiled at the other boys.

"We home come on" Ariana said as she opened the door

"Okay," I said and Luke picked me up bridal style "Luke!" I whispered screamed

"Yes?" He asked as he walked towards the house everyone just laughed at me as if he was going to do something...

"What are you doing?" I ask

"Take off the hoodie for a minute I wanna do something he places me on the ground

"Okay" I said slowly and took the hoodie off putting it on one of the sunbeds

"Now your shoes" he smiled cheekily and I did what he said as he took off his shoes he suddenly picked me up bridal style again and started walking to the pool

"Your dropping me in the pool that's mean" I chuckled "but I don't care"

"I'm coming In With you" he smirked

"Go on then" I cheekily smiled

"That's why I like you" he smirked "in more than a friend way" then he jumped in the pool leaving me wordless as water surrened me. what the hell...

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