Date <3

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Date <3

I woke up feeling sick.

I jumped up from the bed, think I may have woken up Luke... I ran over to my shower room and fell to my knees at the toilet and started to be sick, ugh.

Luke kneeled down next to me holding back my hair and rubbing my back softly, I finally stopped being sick flushed the toilet

"Eww" I moaned in a whisper.

"Here" Luke passed me two tablets and a bottle of water I took the tables and had a little bit of water

"Thank you" I gave him the water back then stood up going to the sink and brushing my teeth about 50 times. I washed out my mouth with water a few times then washed my face. I dried off then looked at Luke and hugged him "sorry for waking you up" I said and he chuckled

"It's okay when ever you feel sick or sad or anything just wake me up and I will be here for you" he whispered and kissed my head "come on let's go lay in bed till someone comes to get us" I nodded in agreement as we walked back to my bed and laid down cuddling

We laid for about an hour before beau come and got us dragging me down stairs with Luke following

"You know kids what do I do with this" beau asked pointing to a little girl standing there with her bunny... Lilly

"Lilly?" I asked and she looked up smiling

"I missed you and I live with my mommy daddy and sister a little bit away so mummy drove me to come and see you" she explained

"I missed you too and Mr Bunny" I smiled and picked her up hugging her tight as she hugged me back "it's so good to see you" I placed her back on the ground and she slapped my leg 10 times

"Bad no!" She said pointing to my arm

"I'm sorry it's okay I'm all better again" I explained. It felt so good seeing Lilly again I missed her so much!

"Who are they?" She asked pointing to all the boys and Ariana "and can I have up?" I rolled my eyes and picked her up putting her on my hip

"That is James he big and one second he won't talk then the next you can't shut him up" I said and James just shrugged and walked away

"Like Justin?" She asked

"Yer just like him!" I then pointed at skip "that is skip. We all think he has something wrong with his brain" she giggled and skip made a really weird face "that is beau he is the oldest boy, he says a lot of bad things"

"Oh, fuc.... I mean ship off" beau moaned

"I like him he looks funny not in a bad ugly way but he looks like he would be a funny" Lilly explained making beau smile

"That is jai he likes to draw and he is really good" she looked at him amazed and Jai just smiled.

"That girl is the one who adopted me but as a sister, her names Ariana and she is an amazing singer" I smiled at Ariana

"Like you" everyone said making me jump a little

"That is Luke and he is my boyfriend" Lilly jumped out off my arms and marched over to Luke

"Sit!" She ordered and Luke sat on the ground looking amused "you better treat her like the princesse she is, be nice to her, don't be like her old boyfriends, don't give her boy gems!"

"I washed my boys germs off don't worry, and I will always treat her like the princesse she is" she nodded and walked back to me with a smile

"can we go play piano and sing?" I nodded and lead her to the room I played in the other day before I... You know..

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