2 weeks later

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2 week later

•-• LUKE'S POV •-•

2 weeks... 2 fucking weeks! That stupid car put Riley I'm the hospital for 2 weeks! And it's all my fault if only I didn't run out she would be happy at home. I was just angry and upset... I still can't believe she done that to her self.

Why would such a beautiful funny smart beautiful... I already said that... But it's true I have never seen such a beautiful girl! Her perfect long brown wavy hair, electric blue eyes, perfect tanned skin, perfect pink lips with that sexy lip ring! And when she wears belly tops you can see her perfectly flat stomach with her belly bar, her voice god that voice! It's amazing when she talks you can hear the emotion in her delicate voice when she sings it's like an angle... Okay... Umm... I sound like a lovesick puppy...

'And they call it puppy love..' The radio sang like it was reading my mind... Stupid thing.

"Luke?" I looked up at Ariana. She looked so sad... Her normally bright eyes filled with tears you can see the bags under her eyes from no sleep, I must look the same or even worse "you need to come and eat"


"No buts you haven't been eating, you need a shower and to get changed again, you also need a shave your getting a little bum fluff on your top lip" she joked trying to lighten the mood.

"Fine but I bet I look sexy with bum fluff on my face" I smiled sadly trying to tell her I'm okay but it didn't work... I got up and left I had a shower in the hospital and got dressed in... Mum forgot my top... I got dressed in a pair of grey joggers and a hoodie doing up the zip halfway. I shaved off my bum fluff. Haha, bum fluff... Then brushed my teeth and hair then messed it up a little giving me a sexy look. I put my hood up and put my vans on again.

I walked out of the bathroom and walked down to the cafe sitting with my brothers

"Luke dude you lost your bum fluff" beau joked but I just put my hands in my pocket and looked down sitting lazily in my seat.

"Luke she is going to be okay. We are all worried" Jai said and I looked at him "you need to eat bro" I just looked down again and beau huffed

"I'm going to have to get the food ain't I?" I looked at beau and gave me a cheeky half-hearted smile "is at the best smile I'm getting?" He asked with a smirk

"Beau get food" Jai said with a funny face and beau kissed kiss cheek

"Okay hunny bunny" he said like a gay boy (not being judgemental just saying when the boys act gay and put on the high pitched voice!!)

"Hurry babe!" Jai called making a small smile appear on my lips. 'I love my stupid silly brothers'

"Gay" I said with a small smirk

"Hey at least I'm not acting like a lovesick puppy" he said with a huge smirk but I just punched his shoulder. Hard. "Shit Luke bro that hurt what happened to my twin love!"

"Whatever" I sighed and closed my eyes for a second

"Food!" Jai shouted making me jump and elbow him "ouch"

"prick" I chuckled and started to eat the fry up in front of me. Within seconds it was gone and I was eating a cookie. After that, I had a coke then left the boys still eating.

When I got back to the room Ariana was sleeping so I picked her up and put her in the bed next to us and put the blanket over her. I sat back down in my seat intwining our fingers again

"Luke?" My eyes sprang open and I sat up looking and Riley "Luke where am I?" She whispered and opened her eyes

"It's okay I'm here we are in the hospital you were hit by a car" I pressed the red button calling for a doctor

"Is everything okay... Riley, you're awake we weren't expecting you for another month or so" the doctor said happily "right do you remember what happened?"

"I remember looking for Luke and I saw him across the road, there were no cars, I remember a bright light then I remember being on the road, in pain. Luke was with me then it's gone" she explained

"Okay that's good that's all I wanted you to remember what about the self-harm?" She looked down at her arm and sighed at the scars

"I remember sitting in my room crying, I grabbed a blade and started cutting. It's always been my only escape from everything" she explained again. What? Always? That means She has cut her self before this! Oh, Riley...

"Okay well you have to take these mornings and night two of each, there for depression, anxiety and anorexia" he explained "we saw your past reports oh and also anti-psychotics. Just to help you keep a clearer mind"

"I know I have had them before" she huffed

"Okay well you're free to go when you're ready" she smiled and left leaving the pills on the table.

"How long have I been out?" She asked holding my hand a little tighter

"two weeks they were saying it could have been from one week two months maybe even a year but you were strong" I smiled and she nodded sitting up, I passed her the clothes ari had brought in for her and she smiled opening the bag.

"who's clothes?" She asked looking at her pink silk top and sorts.

"Ariana's" I smirked knowing he wasn't the type to wear pink.

"Eww why pink" she huffed and got out of bed and walked over to the shower room in her room with her back pack "eww pink" was the last words I heard when she shut her door.

I texted everyone that she was awake and getting ready to leave.

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