"Im different

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"I'm different"

I woke up and put on my iPod and headphones back. I walked up the stairs ignoring the pain in my arm and head. I opened the door.. 'She must have unlocked it'

I had a shower brushed my teeth and went to my room. I got dressed in...

Black tight leggings, tight black tank top, oversized jumper, vans and a beanie. I let my long brown wavy hair just flow down lazily. I did my normal makeup

8:00 am.... SHIT!!

I ran out of the room and into the boy's rooms first "UP UP UP UP!" I shout and run to the girls rooms "GIRLS UP!" Everyone was running about getting ready so I went and got the younger ones dressed. Lilly had left yesterday night.

9:30 am

Everyone was ready and eating breakfast as I took a nap on the sofa... Didn't mean to fall to sleep can't help it!

I woke up reading the time as 9:55 am I got everyone outside and made sure they all looked good then got in line myself. I always go shy at this point I played with the ends of my jumper sleeves as a car come in and parked.

Out popped Ariana in cream heels, floral jeans, pink top and a fitted hoodie.

"Ariana dear welcome!" Kelly smiled

"Hey, can we get straight to business our plane is in 3 hours, not to be rude" she smiled and looked at us all she comes down the line saying hello and letting everyone say there name and age. Till she got to me

"Names Riley, sixteen," I said looking down at the floor

"Lovely name" she smiled and then walked I side to look at the papers we all walked to the play room and I grabbed my guitar

" I don't care what she says I'm singing for you lot because one of you Is getting a lovely home" I smiled and started to play.

(Here's to never growing up acoustic)

By the end of the song, Ariana had walked back in and she was smiling like a crazy person

"Riley, your coming home with me" she smiled and I looked at her shocked

"What?" I didn't know if I was happy angry or sad?

"Go get the things you have ten minutes then you can say your goodbyes" she said but I Just sat there for a minute then rolled my eyes getting up and going upstairs with my guitar still in hand.

I put all my clothes.. Not many, into a suitcase along with my ukulele. Then in my backpack, I put my 'box' iPod earphones £20 and a few more little things like toothbrush and hairbrush.

I put my guitar in its case and put it on my back then went down stairs with it.

"You almost forgot your notepad!" Louis said and gave it to me then hugged my leg I said goodbye to everyone and then went outside with Ariana I put all my things in the boot apart from my notepad what I was still holding in my hand.

"So because we are only 4 years apart I'm not your mum but I am your sister now" Ariana said

"okay" I sighed and looked out the window as we drove to the airport.

"Why were you so shocked when I chose you?" She asked I looked her right in the eye with tears in my eyes

"I'm different" I sighed "I will be back in that place soon once you see how different I am you will put me back there telling me I need help" I chuckled dryly "same as always"

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