Stupid car....

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Stupid car...

I woke up at 7:30 later then normal Joann is going to kill me!! I jumped out of bed then stopped in my tracks

Ariana.. I'm living with Ariana Grande

"What's wrong with me?" I whispered and went and had a shower. I jumped out the shower the cold air washing over my body in seconds. I got dressed Into,

Black tight leggings, blue crop top with the superman sign, vans and a superman SnapBack. I put in a blue lip ring and a blue belly bar. I put in my superman earrings and painted my nails blue and red.


I went over to my desk and grabbed my notebook and pen I laid on my stomach on my bed and opened to a new page. I keep thinking of my mum and dad so I want to write a song.

'Nana, nanana, nana, I miss you, miss you so bad. I don't forget you, oh it's so sad'

I sang it out loud a few times then sang the next bit writing it down as fast as I could so I wouldn't forget it

'I hope you can here me, I remember it clearly'

A tear slipped down my cheek.

'The day you slipped away was the day I found it won't be the same ohh!'

....same time later...

10:38 am and I had finished the song. I had written the piano notes as well. I like it but it dose make me want to cry.

I put on my fake glasses and walked downstairs to find Ariana Jai and Luke sitting in the garden in the hot sun.

I walked to the fridge and got some milk and a cookie then went outside sitting on one of the sun beds. I ate my cookie and drank my milk while watching the birds in the bird Barth.

"Superwoman!!" Beau shouted making me jump

"Shit beau you made me jump" I smiled. Fake.

"You are going shopping with Ariana" he smiled and I huffed "you're a girl you're meant to be all like "yay shopping I'm going to buy shoes and shoes and shoes and dresses and a salad and then more shoes and shoes and dresses'" he said like a girl making me giggle

"You're an idiot" I giggled

"No I'm not an idiot but I have a dick if you would like to..."

"No!" I shout "I do not want nothing to do with that tiny tic tak!" I jumped up as Ariana jai and Luke started laughing there heads off. I chuckled at beau stropping then went over to Ariana "why are we going shopping?"

"To get you more clothes and I want a new pair of shoes" she smiled cheekily

"Okay, when do we leave?" I sighed

"Now!" She jumped up making me jump and fall of the sunbed landing on my ass with an oof

"Ouch bitch" I said and she shrugged and skipped off "I will kill you one day Ariana" I joked and got up wiping off my ass and walking along with my arms crossed she was already waiting in the car so I grabbed my phone and jumped in the back with her.

"Right there will be paparazzi every where and a lot of fans so we will have my body guard with us to keep us safe, please don't do anything stupid" she sighed with amusement as I cheekily smiled

I'm so going to do something now'

When we got there we walked right next to each other smiling and joking about.

We went into the first store and Ariana tried to get me in some pink dress but I refused and grabbed the black one next to it both the same apart from the colour. We took a few pics then changed back to normal I tried on a pair of high heels and smiled

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