Chapter three

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Farkle's POV:

Riley is hot.

No, scratch that. Hot is all of those models that you see on the magazines, or the cheerleaders at our school. Now they are hot.

But Riley. She's different.

I have seen her in the halls, and she sits in front of me in history. We have reading together too. I don't think she's ever noticed me though. I have always noticed her though, even if no one else does.

She's not like the other girls.

She's... Beautiful.

A small smile appears on my face as I see her look around the abandoned carnival in awe, or as I call it, my safe place.

"This is amazing." I hear her say quietly to herself, as she gently touches the control panel. She looks at me with a small smile. I return the smile, "Which ride do you wanna ride first? Some of them still work." I say, as her smile grows bigger.

Her smile is, I don't know how to describe it. She's stunning. Everything about her is beautiful.

Stop it Farkle. You can't like her. Your dating Smackle. And remember your reputation. Besides, I don't even know this girl. She could be crazy.

"Does that one still work?" She asks, pointing to the Ferris wheel.

"Yea." She runs over to the Ferris wheel and sits down on the seat.

I walk over to the control panel next to the Ferris wheel and push the button that starts the ride, before plopping down in the seat next to her.

The Ferris wheel starts moving.

We sit there in an awkward silence. Suddenly the ride stops at the top. I sigh and stand up.

I turn my head and look at Riley who is looking at our surroundings in awe.

"You coming?" I ask the beautiful brunette. Stop it Farkle!

She looks at me with wide eyes, "What?"

I put my hand out, "it's okay, just take my hand." I say, a small smile on my face.

She hesitates before slowly placing her hand in mine. She stands next to me, and the cart shakes slightly. I see her body tense up. I lean over and whisper, "You'll be okay. Trust me. All you have to do is jump."

I stand up straight again and she looks at me and nods.

"One. Two. Three."

We jump off of the cart, falling onto the ground moments later. We both groan and laugh.

"That was fun." Riley says, giggling. "But it hurt." She sits up and rubs her back.

I laugh and stand up before helping Riley up. We dust ourselves off and I realize that I don't have my beanie. It must have fallen off when we jumped. I start looking around for it.

It couldn't have gone far.

"Have you seen my beanie?" I ask Riley.

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