Chapter five

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Farkle's POV:

I open the front door slow and as quiet as I can. My dad shouldn't be awake, but if he is, I'm screwed.

I step inside my parents enormous apartment/penthouse and close the door as quiet as possible.

I start slowly walking to my room. Suddenly I hear a noise and I turn around quickly.

"You were out all night again Farkle. You know how your mother feels about you being out all night." My father says, who is sitting in his recliner.

I roll my eyes. "Yea, like you two actually care about me." Crap. I shouldn't have said that.

"What did you just say to me?" My father says, standing up and marching towards me. His arm swings back and a moment later collides with my cheek.

"I said that you two don't care about me. All you guys' care about is your stupid business and your money." Here comes another one. I really need to shut my mouth.

He punches me in the face before he shoves me onto the ground and kicks me in the ribs three times.

"Now get out of my sight, I have to go to bed, I have work tomorrow." My father says, walking into his and my mother's room, slamming the door behind him.

I stand up, and sigh. I walk into the bathroom and turn on the light, shutting the door behind me.

I take off my black beanie and place it on the counter. I place my trembling hands onto the counter. I look at my reflection, and my eyes begin to tear up. I turn my head and shut my eyes, to keep the tears from falling. My lip is bleeding, my cheek is bright red from when he slapped me. A hand mark on my cheek.

Everyone knows me as, Farkle Minkus; Commonly known as the rebel and bad boy of Abigail Adams High. The guy who is dating a hot and intelligent cheerleader, the guy who goes to parties every weekend, the guy who gets into fights. But that's not me at all. They don't know the real me.

The real Farkle Minkus is broken, abused, depressed. Even my own girlfriend doesn't see it. When I come to school with another bruise or cut and she asks what happened, I tell her that I just got into a fight with some guys after school, and she thinks it's cool.

Then she goes and flirts with Lucas Friar, the biggest and best athlete at our school. Also, the biggest player.

No one knows about the real me. Everyone except my best friend, Zay.

Zay and I have been best friends since our freshman year of high school, when he moved here from Texas.

The only reason he knows, is because he took me to the hospital when I broke my foot when I "fell off my bike", but in reality, my dad pushed over the elliptical and it fell on my foot and broke it. 

When Zay found out, he wanted to tell the cops. But I wouldn't let him. I couldn't.

My dad would kill me if he found out I told anyone about the abuse. It would be all over the news: "millionaire business owner, Stewart Minkus has been arrested for physically and verbally abusing his son, Farkle Minkus, for the past two years."

He cares more about his money and his business more than he does his own son.

I wash my the blood off of my face, grab my beanie, and walk out of the bathroom, turning the light off behind me. I walk down the hall to my room and shut the door, locking it. I turn on the light. I sit down on my bed and take off my shirt. I look down at my side to see a huge bruise forming on my side.

I run my hands through my hair and close my eyes.

My night was going great before I came home.

Riley made my night great.

When I was with her, I was happy.

For the first time in a long time, I was happy.

When I held her hand, I felt tingles go up my arm and down my spine.

And when I looked into her eyes, I felt as though I could stare into her eyes all day long and lose myself within them.

And her smile. She has the most beautiful smile I have ever seen.

Her smile is radiant.

No. I can't possibly like her. I barely even know her. Plus, I'm with Smackle. And my reputa- you know what, screw my reputation. I don't give a crap about it, honestly.

I'd give anything to be invisible again, like the younger, nerdier Farkle.

He had so much hope and believed that anything was possible.

He was a dreamer.

I am a nightmare.


Hey y'all. I am sooooooooooo sorry I haven't updated in forever. I have just been busy with Instagram and binge watching supernatural and other shows, while also hanging out with my siblings. I know I am probably going to sound SUPER lame for admitting this, but I haven't hung out with anyone except for my family this summer, but honestly, I have had A TON of  fun hanging out with my siblings. I have gotten to know my step brothers and step sister wayyyyyy better and they are just so much fun to be around.

Fun fact about me: I am the oldest of 9 kids. I have 4 siblings that are fully related to me (we all have the same mom and dad). I have a half brother (we have the same mom). And I have three step siblings.

But yea, I will be updating all of my stories very soon.


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