Chapter twelve

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Farkle's POV:

I take in a deep breath.

It's time to face my father.

I don't know exactly what I am going to say, or do.

But I need to try to have a civilized conversation about, well, everything.

I turn the door knob and walk into the apartment.

I shut the door behind me.

"Dad?" I call out, my voice echoing through out the apartment.

"What the hell do you want?" He asks, walking out of his office.

He leans against the door frame and folds his arms.

"I want to talk."

"About what? How much of a disappointment you are to me and our family name?"

"Yes, and no. Look, I'm willing to reason with you. No one has to get hurt. I know that I disappoint you, and I'm sorry for that. I wish I could change, but, this is who I am dad. I'm me. I'm Farkle, your son. I-I know that you wish I wasn't. So, if this is what you really want, I'll leave. I can rent an apartment somewhere in the city and fend for myself. I'll get a job. Y-You won't even see or hear from me again. If that is what you really want... I'll do it." I say, tears forming in my eyes.

I don't understand why I'm crying.

I hate my dad.

All he's ever done to me is beat me and call me awful names.

But... he's still my dad.

He rolls his eyes and walks back into his office for a moment.

He comes back out with a brief case and a set of keys. He hands them to me.

I look at him confused.

"What is this?"

"Those are the keys to a car, and inside that case is enough money to last you a few years. If, you spend it right. Now get your things and get the hell out of my house. I never want to see  you again." He storms back into his office, slamming the door behind him.

I didn't think he'd actually let me leave...

I'm underage, I can't live on my own.

But at least he didn't hit me.

I go into my room and call my aunt.


"Hey, aunt meg. It's Farkle."

"Oh, hello dear. How are you?"

"I'm okay. But, I have a question for you, and I know it's a really big thing to ask, but I was wondering if you could maybe... come stay with me for a while?"

"What do you mean, honey? What's going on?"

"I am going to be living on my own now. My dad and I don't get along and my mother... she's never home. So, she won't notice. I don't want to go into details. I'm going to go look for an apartment I can live in tomorrow. But I can't live without a guardian, because of my age."

"Oh. Alright. I can come out there for the weekend. But when I get there, I want answers to why my nephew was kicked out of his house by my brother."

I sigh. "Yes ma'am. Thank you."

"Of course dear. I have to go to work soon. I'll take a few days off, so I can help you out. Be careful. Love you."

"I will. Love you too aunt meg."

I end the call and start packing my things.


What do you guys want (or think will) to happen next?

Also I hope you guys liked this chapter.

I love you guys so much. ❤️❤️❤️

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