Chapter thirteen

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Farkle's POV:

I debate on telling Riley about how I am going to be living on my own.

I trust her.

I decide to text her.

I'm done packing anyways.

Sparkly Farkley: hey riles. Don't be mad, actually, you don't have a reason to be mad about this. But I am going to be living on my own from now on.

Sparkly Farkley: Want to come help me look for an apartment? :)

After a few minutes, she replies back.

Sunshine: what do you mean "living on your own"?

Sparkly Farkley: I don't live at home anymore. If you want me to explain it more, then I will if you come with me. You don't have too though.

Sunshine: no, I'll go. Where do you want me to meet you?

Sparkly Farkley: how about Topanga's?

Sunshine: alright, see ya then.

Sparkly Farkley: see ya

I shove my phone in my pocket and I start loading my things into the elevator and taking them down to the car my dad gave me.

*time skip*

Riley's POV:

I get to Topanga's and Farkle isn't here.

I slide into one of the booths and play a game on my phone till he arrives.

"Hey. You coming?" Farkle asks.

"Not until you tell me what this is about." I say, as he sighs and nods.

He sits down across from me, and takes off his black beanie, running his hand through his hair.

"Do you remember about how I said I got these bruises? The ones I said I got from falling off my skateboard?" He asks me, pointing at his face. I nod.

"I lied. I'm sorry that I did. But I didn't want you to worry.... my dad did that to me. He hits me a lot. He hates me. That's why I am going to look for an apartment. I made a deal with him. If I moved out, he'd never have to see me again... I wouldn't have to deal with the beatings every day."

I feel my eyes begin to water. I cover my mouth with my hand.

He clears his throat. "No one knows, except you and my Aunt Meg. Well, she doesn't know why I'm moving out. I just asked her to come to Greenwich to help me find an apartment, and to stay with me for a while. I just couldn't take it anymore, Riley." A tear streams down his face.

I lean over and take his hand in mine. "You aren't going to go live on your own. You're gonna stay with me okay?"

"Riley, I can't. What about your parents? And what happened this morning?" He asks. I sigh, remembering the kiss, remembering how his lips felt pressed against mine.

I give his hand a comforting squeeze. "Don't worry about my parents. They don't care about me, they barely even notice I'm there when they are home. And what happened this morning..." I try to think of the right words to say.

I sigh, "we'll figure that out later. You're staying with me, okay?"

He nods. "Okay."

"Did we just quote the fault in our stars?" I can't help but ask.

He chuckles, "maybe okay will be our always." He says with a smirk, wiping the tears off his cheeks.

"Or, always will be our always. Switch things up a little bit." He says making me laugh.

He intertwines our fingers. "Always?"

I giggle, "always."


Chapter 13 everyone :)

I love you guys, and I will see y'all in the next chapter.

and don't forget too....


Lol, yes, I quoted my babe, Jacksepticeye, and changed it from like to vote, don't judge me 😂💚

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