Chapter seven

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Farkle's POV:

I stand in front of Topanga's and smile as I think about the night Riley and I met and we came here.

I look inside and see Riley and a little boy who I'm guessing her little brother.

I walk inside and approach them. "Hey, Riley." I say looking down at the beautiful brunette with a smile.

"Hey Farkle." She smiles back and moves over so I can sit down. I sit down and see a strawberry mango smoothie in front of me. I smile and take a sip.

"Thanks for the smoothie."

"You're welcome. This is my brother Auggie. Auggie, Farkle. Farkle, Auggie." Riley says with a smile before taking a bite of her ice cream.

"So, you are the boy she ran off with at that party huh?" Auggie asks me, with folded arms and a smirk on his face.

I laugh and nod. "Yea, I guess I am. And you are the boy who murdered her bear huh?" I say looking at Riley who chuckles and rolls her eyes.

His glares at Riley. "I thought you were over that!" He yells.

Riley laughs and nods. "I am, but it's still funny." She says giggling.

Gosh, I love that sound.

"So, Farkle." Auggie starts off.

"That's my name." I say as he rolls his eyes before continuing.

"Do you like my sister?" He asks, causing me to look at him in confusion.

"What do you mean?" I ask with a chuckle. Riley takes a bite of her ice cream.

"Do. You. Like. My. Sister. One question, five words, one answer. It's simple minkus." Auggie says as I look over at Riley for a moment, then I look back at Auggie.

I do like Riley.

But I'm with Smackle.

"I don't know, Auggie. I don't know everything." I look over at Riley who looks slightly shocked that I didn't say no.

"So that isn't a no?" Auggie asks me.

I nod.

"It isn't a no."


Hey here's chapter seven. Sorry I haven't updated in forever. I know y'all are probably so mad at me lol 😂😂😂 but I'll try to update another one shot and another chapter of Changed later. Almost to school. So yea. Love you bye.

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