Chapter sixteen

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Riley's POV:

It's been two days since we found out about Maya being pregnant and her father.

Lucas and Zay are going to help too.

I look around Topanga's, I see my mom helping a customer.

I hope that we can be close again.

I wish that I knew why she hates me now.

But at the same time, I don't want to know.

"So, what's the plan?" Lucas asks me, snapping me out of my thoughts.

I sigh. "We are going to contact her dad, saying that Maya is going to give up her baby. But she isn't actually going too. Maya is going to go with her mom to a hotel and stay the night there for safety. Lucas, you're going with them. Zay, Me and Farkle are going to deal with Kermit and Stuart. I'll call the police when we get there and tell them what is happening so they will get arrested." I explain.

Everyone nods. "How do you know this will work? What if something goes wrong?" Zay asks.

"We don't know. Let's just hope that everyone goes smooth and all our problems are solved." I tell him. He nods.

"When are we going?" Lucas asks.

"Sundown. So, six. They are going to meet us at the old theater by the school." Says Farkle.

Everyone nods.

I look over at Maya who is holding her stomach, looking down.

I take her hand in mine and give it a comforting squeeze. "Everything will be okay, Maya. I promise."

She gives me a small smile. "Thanks riles."

"You're welcome peaches."

*time skip*

Maya, Katy (her mom) and Lucas are on their way to the hotel right now.

Farkle, Zay and I are waiting on the stage of the rundown theater for Stuart and Kermit to arrive.

I already called the cops, they are on their way.

It's about a twenty minute drive from the station to the theater though.

They are going to be pissed that Maya isn't here, especially Kermit. Stuart doesn't know that Farkle is involved.

"Where's my daughter?" I hear a male voice boom through out the theater.

I see Kermit and Stuart walking down the center isle towards the stage.

Stuart's eyes land on Farkle. At first he's surprised, then he is mad.

I gulp. "She isn't here." I say as confidently I can.

"You said she agreed. Why the hell isn't she here?" Kermit says in an angry tone.

"Darn it. Guess I lied. Oopsie." I say with a grin, shrugging my shoulders.

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