Chapter fourteen

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Farkle's POV:

We drive back to Riley's place, my hand still in hers.

I park my car and we get out.

I open Riley's door for her and take her hand in mine again. She smiles up at me. I smile back.

I leave my things in the car for right now and we go inside her apartment.

Her mom is sitting at the table going through a stack of papers.

We walk right past her.

She doesn't even look up or greet her daughter or acknowledge that there is another person in her house.

I hear Riley sigh.

We walk into her room and she shuts the door.

She lets go of my hand.

She lays down on the bed, and closes her eyes, sighing again.

I sit down next to her. "What's wrong?"

She sits up and shakes her head. "It's nothing."

I look at her with a knowing look. "It isn't nothing. You want to know how I know?" She nods. "My sunshine isn't smiling." I say with a smile.

She giggles.

"There's that cute laugh." I say, making her giggle again.

She slaps my arm playfully. I fake a hurt expression.

I start tickling her sides, she laughs like crazy.

"Farkle, I can't breathe." She says through laughing fits.

I stop after another minute and we both lay down on our backs.

She regains her breath after a few seconds.

We both sit up.

"You are so mean." She folds her arms across her chest.

"And cute." I add in.

"Yes. But you are a bully."

"A cute bully."

"Yea yea. Whatever." She says looking at me with a smile.

I look into her eyes and I feel myself getting lost within them.

We both start leaning in.

Just as we are about to kiss, her mom comes into the room, causing us to jump apart.

"Who the hell are you?" Her mother snaps in my direction.

"Hi. Um, I'm Farkle Minkus." I say, rubbing the back of my neck, nervously.

"Minkus? As in Stuart Minkus?" She asks me.

I hesitate, remembering all the horrible things that man has done to me, but I nod. "Y-Yes m'am."

"My husband and I went to school with him. I didn't know he had a kid. I'm Topanga." She introduces herself, completely ignoring Riley who is staring at her lap, playing with her hands.

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