Birth Of Dawn(1) *edited*

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3rd P.O.V

"Twins." Jacob muttered, "Great. They're Twins."

Edward sighed and began to try and hand the babies to Jacob but the tanned skin male instantly refused. He walked out of the room feeling disgusted and like vomiting.

Rosalie and Alice barged in through the room. Edward was hesitant to give the two baby girls to his sisters but gave them up anyway.

Rosalie took the soon-to-be named Renesmee, and the younger twin, while Alice took the unknown-named baby girl, the first born child. She was quickly taken to the bathroom and was given a warm bath.

"How's that now?" Alice cooed happily.

The girl was rather gorgeous with shining diamond emerald eyes and chocolatey brown hair with baby- obviously- soft skin that was the right amount of paleness. She has Alice's skin color, all in all. It was rather odd as to seeing the child wasn't her's but yet a blessing since she wasn't too pale.

A gurgle came out of the baby's mouth. Her stomach growled in hungriness. Alice quickly changed her into a baby pink onesie and made her a bottle.

Taking her downstairs, Alice sat down in front of the fire place by Rosalie.

"What should we name her?" She questioned the blonde. The room stayed silent for a while until she came up with a reasonable answer.

"Something unique and girly, like.. Ada..."

"Maybe with the middle name Cella..." Alice trailed off, "How about Adacella!" She bursts out of nowhere.

"Perfect," Rosalie smiled, "Adacella Valentina Cullen?" She questioned.

"It sound just right! Right Adacella?" Alice smiled toward the baby in her hand.

A giggle was heard in reply. Then came a gurgle .

Just right.

A/N: Sorry for a short crappy chapter but it's just the begging. The chapters will get longer and more intense as time goes on and I reach the climax! Remember to like and Follow! Thank you for the reads my fellow gorgeous human beings!💋 Lots of Love!

May 13, 2021 Update: 3:31 am

y'all 😩 I am so sorry for the cringe in this entire book and the horrid mix of anime and all that, I wrote this when I was 14 and  have only gone back to revise it but I will not be doing that anymore. I'm about to be a college sophomore and I'm horrified by how terrible my writing skills were and the amount of mistakes I made. I'm honestly so ready to delete this entire book 😭 I didn't know how to go about relationship scenes and it's not till a little over a year ago that I got my first boyfriend and better understand how things actually work :/ once again, I'm sorry.

Also, I have not been on here since May/June 2020 since I got busy with graduation and all that good stuff my senior class couldn't have :( plus getting into college and finally finishing my freshmen year, it's been tough for all of us. I hope everyone is doing well and that you're all safe, healthy, and happy. I'm not usually on here but I do get emails from wattpad so if anyone needs someone to vent/talk to, I'm here!

Thank you for still reading my overly terrible writing 🙂🙃 have a great night/morning/afternoon!

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