La Bella Italia (11) *edited*

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Adacella's P.O.V

~Dream Land Begins~

"Where am I? Huh? Hello? Can anybody here me? Mom? Dad? Hello?" I stared up front at my family. They weren't moving. They weren't breathing. They were simply still. How? I don't know. Suddenly, Edward turned to face my way and stared me right in the eye, not blinking once.

"Dad! Hey da- huh?" He began to move at me. It was now I noticed he looked furious. The Cullens all did. But why?

"You." Edward hissed while pointing at me, "You are not my daughter. You betrayed us!! Joining them! The Volturi of all people!" My eyes widened as I stepped back.

"No! No I didn't! No!-" A felt something around my neck. Something cold and sharp much like a necklace. I looked down and there I saw the Volturi pendent sitting on my chest, "No! No! No!"

"Si, mi bella ragazza." I saw Demetri coming at me with the rest of the Volturi members, "You're one of us now."

They continued to come closer and closer until the air was knocked out of me, my body falling flat on the ground.

~Dream Land Over~

I woke up with a gasp and screaming feeling startled by the dream as anxiety took over my body. The feeling rushed down my veins to the pumping of my fast beating heart. I felt a hand let go of mine causing me to jump back in the arms of... Demetri. I had now I noticed we were in the Volturi 'Castle' already.

"Powerful, but I cannot seem to read her mind." Aro stood in front of me, frowning, "A shield, perhaps." I tensed up, "Yes, a shield, but, something else too." I looked down and tried to get my breath steady once again. The dream felt so real yet so fake. I moved slightly in the arms of Demetri. My head laid back into his chest as I tried to find comfort but couldn't.

"Take her to her room, Demetri. Her belongings must be there by now and set. Heidi, you made sure of it, correct?" Aro stared at a female with pale skin, luscious bouncy brown hair, plump red lips and fiery red orbs.

"Of course, master."

"Good, let her rest more. She'll need it for the time being." Demetri headed out the door and led me somewhere. My head shot up to see where exactly we were heading. We passed by painting and different architectures on they way to my new room. I was slightly amazed by them- I wasn't really an artist or into arts but more of a writer.

"Here." We stopped in front of a large wooden oaked door that looked shiny and newly polished. I hummed in response and nodded my head at him. He stayed put making me grumble. I decided to muster up my best British accent.

"The Queen does not like to be kept waiting, you peasant." Demetri's hold on me loosened as if threatening to drop me, "I shall not change thy world play used for thee. On we go. Go. Open thy door, dear."

He continued to stare me and in the end I huffed. Hopping off of him, I opened the door for myself.

"Peasants these days," I muttered, "Not willing to serve their mistress." I began to shut the door but a hand was put in the way.

"Adacella," Demetri began to speak.

"Yes?" I asked.

"You look cute when you're mad." I tensed up at hearing this and blushed letting a small tint of pink crawl its way up to my face.

"And so I thought to myself, this peasant needs OFF WITH THE HEAD! " I slammed the door shut and stood by it blushing more. I heard a laugh from the other side known as Demetri's laugh and than footsteps beginning to walk away, slowly making a pitter patter sound.

I heard a loud noise come from the outside after awhile of checking around the room. Looking at the window, I opened it letting a nice cool breeze swift in. The sky turned a dark grey and little raindrops filled the concrete ground. Another loud noise was heard. Rain. I changed into another spare set of clothes from my walk-in closet. (In Picture) Slipping on the black eye-sight glasses they had, I grinned at the clear view of the world.

For a vampire, my eye sight isn't the best as to seeing that I'm half human and all the technology I used during my free time made me go blind, a little bit. Lets see if they'll let me go out to enjoy the rain.

Slipping the heels on, I checked the time on my phone. 14:32. Perfect. Getting up, I walked over to the door and opened it. I quickly slipped out than began to walk down a flight of stairs my heels clicking along the way.

A door came into view, two much like the ones I saw while coming out of the Throne Room. Well, it must be here. I walked up close to it and raised a hand ready to knock. Wait, do I knock? Do I just walk in? Do I wait till someone from the outside comes? Do I wait until someone from the inside opens it? What the hell should I do? I was to busy with my thoughts that I didn't notice the doors open. Well, it took me awhile to realize it and if they hadn't called my name, I never would have.

"Adacella?" I froze and looked up just to find people staring at me. My eyes widened in embarrassment but slowly walked in anyways.

"Dear Adacella, enjoying the stay." Aro began to descend from his throne.

"Very much, but, I have a favor to ask of." I smiled I return to his creepy look trying not to give off a cared vibe.


"May I got look around town." The room became quite. Too quite. Well, I guess I'll just be blunt, "I'm hungry and if I don't eat now, I'll die of starvation. Or just end up drinking strawberry flavored bleach."

The confused look in there eyes made me inwardly laugh. But that didn't last as long. I could see the way Aro nodded his head to himself as if saying 'ok.' I grinned and reached up the grab the side of my glasses, moving them up and down slightly.

"Yes," He smiled. I grinned and thanked him before turning around- about to walk out- when he continued on, "But,"

I sighed and made a face, "Mother fucker. There's always that catch." I whispered lightly than turned around, "But?" I smiled.

"Take my guards with you." I stared at the four guards. Sighing, I shook my head a 'no'. I walked out the room slightly, shaking my head in an understand move. I mean now that I think about it, every Queen needs royal guards to protect her, right?

'There goes my alone time.'

"Ok... Peasant."

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