Volturi and Mate (8) *edited*

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A/N: That's Adacella's outfit up there but without the mittens glasses, beanie, or purse, obviously. Anyway, here's the chapter we've all been waiting for. Now, sit back because this chapter is the longest of them all! Also, this has minor curse words in it. Enjoy!

~'~'~'~'~'~Next Day~'~'~'~'~

Adacella's P.O.V

"You'll be fine." Mom tried to convince Ness that everything will turn out fine but I had a gut feeling it wouldn't.

"Hey. Baby, it's all right. You're gonna be safe. Always." Edward pulled me closer to him while Bella grabbed Ness. Renesmee stared up at me but I just sent her a smile and nodded my head as if to say, "You're safe," which seemed to have calmed her down more than what Bella could. Bella shot me a quick 'thank you' look which I responded by smiling. I heard Garrett and Kate talking from afar and quickly giggled at his choice of words.

"If we live through this, I'll follow you anywhere, woman."

"Now you tell me."

Another giggle escaped my mouth as I stared at the two mates with a grin. So cute! I want to be like that one day! (They're currently my OTPs along with Rosalie and Emmett) My mind completely shut off from a girly moment to a serious one as I heard Garrett muttering U.S history lines under his breath.

"The Redcoats are coming! The Redcoats are coming!"

My body began to fidget around uncomfortably. Bella and Edward stared at me.

"You'll be fine." Bella smiled and pulled me next to Ness. I switched places with her and I stood grabbing Nessie's hand.

"I'm not scared for my life. I'm scared for here's."

I looked down at Renesmee and frowned. Dearly scared. If something were to happen to her, I would be scarred for life.

Black was seen in front of us as a whole bunch of red-eyed blood suckers came into view. More than us but, these bastards will still pay for actually believing that we were bitten and not conceived. My mind wondered off and I stared at each and everyone sending them a glare, not stopping for even the good-looking ones. I watched the leader, who I learned to be name Aro, look around for something or rather someone. Before I could reach into his mind, Edward spoke up,

"Aro's looking for Alice."

Of course he would be, every vampire should know that Aro wants Alice, my father, and now my mother more than anything. The vampires had warned me before coming here that Aro would like to look into my mind and try finding my gift. They told me to activate the shield I inherited from Bella as soon as I got to the battlefield. So, that's exactly what I'm doing. I reached into the deepest depth of my mind and looked for the power trying to feel it.

A spark ignited within me and I felt my body grow cold than warm as goose bumps traveled their way up my neck. A warm feeling came soon afterwards and than I knew, it was officially activated to were no one could hurt me, read me or track me.

I heard a gasp emit from one of the Volturi members as howling was heard. I smirked knowingly and placed Nessie to my left away from Bella. Jacob stood next to us and moved closer to Nessie. She happily complied back and buried her body into his fur. He better protect her with his life or I will send him down to hell along with the Volturi. Bella pulled me closer to her in fear that I will die in this fight and that she will make it out alive. I cling on to her and moved Ness in between us while Jacob scooted closer to me but not enough that we touch. Probably still scared from my threat. Aha, pussy.

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